forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

@HighPockets group

Fun fact:
Jynnie and I are Wisconsin buddies
As in, we both live in Wisco <3

It's cold af today

It's 46 degrees here, what's it like up by you?

54, but with a wind chill.

oof bb

Madison Be Like That Sometimes

Deleted user

Funerals are fun to be completely honest.
Yea yea, the person died, but everyone is there to remember them and be together in comfort.
All the funerals I've been too ended up with everyone drunk, sharing wild stories of the deceased and partying. It may be a hispanic thing. Idk

@ElderGod-kirky group

Nope. I involuntarily walked into church, I guess. The pastor spent more time promoting God and subtly bashing those that aren't faithful to God than talking about the actual person we were there for. He went an hour over doing that.

Deleted user

I had to refrain from laughing the last time I was at a funeral because my brother was playing Angry Birds at half volume.

@The-Magician group

The only funeral I have ever been to, because my family seem to live for a ridiculous amount of time, was in April this year for my great-grandma. Gods bless her soul. And I don't really know what I was expecting to be honest. I was crying throughout the entire thing but kept brushing it off, only when I saw my grandad and great-uncle cry did I full on break down.. Never planning to go to a funeral again.

Deleted user

I have been rejected.

insert general wheeze of pain and the vaguely depressing sound of dreams being crushed into nothing but dust.

Deleted user

I'm cool. A little upset because I though I had it.
They told me that it had been a really tough decision between me and the other candidate, but (shrug) I guess they were a bit better than me.

Deleted user

Anyone else get super peeved when someone says some dumb shit on this site and you just want to reach through the computer and wring their stupid necks? And then like 20 people bounce off the dumb shit and adds MORE dumb shit to the pile?

Just me?


Imma go correct all these bitches.

Deleted user

Fun fact:
Jynnie and I are Wisconsin buddies
As in, we both live in Wisco <3

It's cold af today

It's 46 degrees here, what's it like up by you?

54, but with a wind chill.

oof bb

Madison Be Like That Sometimes

Altoona/Eau Claire ain't too great either <3

Deleted user

I prefer this one because the people in here are much more mature

Deleted user

Well, actually, the Rudeness Chat came to be a few months after the Venting Space

So this is a much better sequel.