forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

I really appreciate your input on the chat itself, you're one of the only three people who actually help out instead of just complain about stuff that isn't even vent-worthy 19 times in one day.
However, if you really dislike the place so much, there's nothing stopping you from leaving.

I dont have to like something to observe it.
You can respect that someone doesnt like something that youve created without getting offended.

@HighPockets group

Anyone else get super peeved when someone says some dumb shit on this site and you just want to reach through the computer and wring their stupid necks? And then like 20 people bounce off the dumb shit and adds MORE dumb shit to the pile?

Just me?


Imma go correct all these bitches.

Venting Chat be like that but it really shouldn't.
Just DM someone instead of whining and *actually make an effort to talk to people irl instead of a random internet stranger
Who's also probably a groomer….

@HighPockets group

Fun fact:
Jynnie and I are Wisconsin buddies
As in, we both live in Wisco <3

It's cold af today

It's 46 degrees here, what's it like up by you?

54, but with a wind chill.

oof bb

Madison Be Like That Sometimes

Altoona/Eau Claire ain't too great either <3

Eau Claire?? Neat! Luckily Madison is in a good location, I can yeet myself up to Minnesota in about 3 hours (which came in handy when I was in a show there over the summer)

@HighPockets group

Okay now I’m offended what the fuck did you say about my friend

I said that he was potentially a child groomer.
I've studied this shit for months, I know the signs.

@HighPockets group

I've been researching abuse, grooming, and manipulation tactics for literal months for my story because of Oleander and the fae and their tendencies to manipulate others into doing their bidding. Besides, it's interesting.

@HighPockets group

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I have to read 4 docs across 2 Chromebooks to see which one is actually the final draft for a story I'm submitting for a contest, why can't I fucking label this stuff accurately, why did I give them all the same bloody title.
Also my cat is at the emergency vet and I have a headache so that's fun.

@HighPockets group

Also like wtf is up with the name? Who decided it should be spelled like that??

Friendly reminder that "thought" and "though" don't rhyme, but "pony" and "balonga" do.