forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

@Moxie group

Hello I've made a discovery and idk where else to share it
I've figured out I make three types of characters
Chaotic bastard with low impulse control who's life is falling apart
Best friend/sibling/SO of chaotic bastard made of sunshine and sarcasm
Hot criminal
Literally anyone of my characters fit into one of these three categories

Does anyone else have character categories they've unknowingly created?

@ElderGod-kirky group

Tess, Nikolas, Rhydar, uh, the twins are technically criminals when they want to be, (does spying count as criminal activity?), some others that I've created for roleplays

the entire Vanguard is technically a band of criminals. Everything they do goes against some moral codes, the nobles went against their people, they allow criminal activity (as long as they aren't caught), yadda yadda, antiheroes all the way

Deleted user

also just read something where someone completely missed the point of a novel and I am wheezing at their stupidity. Man, you gotta love good reads reviews

Deleted user

Gah lemme see if I can bring it up on my computer. I was looking on my phone before hand.

Deleted user

Technology hates me.

oof oh well I have no energy for this.
It was funny though. It was a total 'karen' type person.

Deleted user

Id like to ask a question.

Why do people use
instead of
now a days?

You're abusing the oxford comma and I dont know how to feel about it.