forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

I asked someone once and they said “it’s none of your business 🙄” and since then I’ve hated the eye roll emoji and I can understand Mojack’s hatred of it as well now

Deleted user

Idk I've never used ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,' so I don't get the hype.
Can anyone who uses it explain?

You guys don't understand–I need this answer

Deleted user

i use it a couple times

I guess it’s because it’s aesthetically pleasing to me? Just because I’m stupid and like stuff like that? kind of like how i use question marks after sentences that aren’t questions u know?

@HighPockets group

Idk I've never used ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,' so I don't get the hype.
Can anyone who uses it explain?

You guys don't understand–I need this answer

I've used it a few times when I feel like I need a longer pause than an ellipsis.

@HighPockets group

Hello I've made a discovery and idk where else to share it
I've figured out I make three types of characters
Chaotic bastard with low impulse control who's life is falling apart
Best friend/sibling/SO of chaotic bastard made of sunshine and sarcasm
Hot criminal
Literally anyone of my characters fit into one of these three categories

Does anyone else have character categories they've unknowingly created?

Short friend
Tall Nerd Boy
Chaotic Dumbass
Sweet Innocent Baby
110% Done (But Will Still Fight For You)