forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@The-Magician group

That happened to me earlier on in my relationship (around 4 years ago), turns out he fell asleep, but Gods was I terrified. I cried for hours, even cried to my family about it.

@Moxie group

Hello its time for Moxie to be a petty bitch (warning: its pretty petty)
So my screenwriting class has people from every grade. And since the class started my friend and I have been sitting in the back since the class started. And today we get to class and these two freshman girls were sitting in our spots. And I'm very mad. Bro we're seniors haven't you seen movies??
Sorry. But I'm mad and I warned you this was petty

@ElderGod-kirky group

There's a group of four juniors, me and three others, and we all sit in the first four seats of the bus for Vo Tech, both to and from it. We all get hella pissed when someone thinks they're funny and try to take our seats. One of us usually end up bitching and booting them out (they're sophomores, usually, that think they can steal our seats)

@Pickles group

Lives in the UK where we sit where we want and everyone automatically claims those seats so no one takes them

That's what we do here too. But people do that stuff anyway

@The-Magician group

Oh.. Literally no school I have been to has that issue (I've been to two infant schools, two primary schools, two secondary schools, and one college..)

@ElderGod-kirky group

For the regular bus, the elementary (k-6) sit in assigned seats while us high schoolers (7-12) sit wherever we want. However, there is a typical seating chart that we all create and typically adhere by, though there are a few assholes that take your seat just for shits and giggles

For me, I go to a different school during the morning, and everyone on that bus sits wherever. Again, the unspoken seating chart is arranged. Again, until some fucker decides he wants to be the class clown and piss people off


There's a group of four juniors, me and three others, and we all sit in the first four seats of the bus for Vo Tech, both to and from it. We all get hella pissed when someone thinks they're funny and try to take our seats. One of us usually end up bitching and booting them out (they're sophomores, usually, that think they can steal our seats)

This^^^ right here, is how you get jumped down in Georgia.
I wish a bitch would take my seat

Deleted user

There's a group of four juniors, me and three others, and we all sit in the first four seats of the bus for Vo Tech, both to and from it. We all get hella pissed when someone thinks they're funny and try to take our seats. One of us usually end up bitching and booting them out (they're sophomores, usually, that think they can steal our seats)

This^^^ right here, is how you get jumped down in Georgia.
I wish a bitch would take my seat

Where I live, you can get jumped just for being on a bus
Or for walking
Or… Breathing