forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

no worries! as always take your time. I was literally thinking about it all day and couldn't respond and it was driving me insane so I had to tell my parents to shut up and chill so I could write. (shrug)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

no worries! as always take your time. I was literally thinking about it all day and couldn't respond and it was driving me insane so I had to tell my parents to shut up and chill so I could write. (shrug)

I find this an interesting window.

Deleted user

yoo, where at in WA?

just outside of seattle. in Issaquah.

Deleted user

no worries! as always take your time. I was literally thinking about it all day and couldn't respond and it was driving me insane so I had to tell my parents to shut up and chill so I could write. (shrug)

I find this an interesting window.

they get clingy when I visit. lol I needed a moment to myself.

Deleted user

If I do well on my interview I should be moving up here before Thanksgiving.

Deleted user

Precisely. :D Time to take over a coffee shop and cause mayhem.


So my best friend (let's call her L) was telling me the other day how she was going to try to befriend this fake ass girl (let's call her M) and I honestly just didn't know how to feel about that at all. Then she proceeded to tell me how I should "be the bigger person" and all that crap and i'm just sitting here like what? First of all, she never apologized for dragging L and my other friends to dirt, M tarnished someone's reputation based off a false rumor that she was a racist and homophobe, M jumps from friend group to friend group and breaks them up but somehow gets away with it?? And L wants to talk to me about being the "bigger person" and befriending her too??? Like I'm not gonna bend over and kiss her ass for the sake of being the "bigger person" and i'm shocked that the rest of my friends are condoning M's shit like?

But you know what? I'm not gonna say anything. I don't want to be, quote-on-quote, "problematic" or "messy".

Deleted user

i feel called out rn

jk that sucks Bannanas but like good choice to stay out of it

(for anyone who didn’t get the joke you’re too young)

@HighPockets group

i feel called out rn

jk that sucks Bannanas

(for anyone who didn’t get the joke you’re too young)

M really do Be Like That Sometimes lol
Just kidding he would never.
That's awful, Bananas, is there anything you can do?

Deleted user

ugh JYN you’re embarrassing me that wasn’t the right M


i feel called out rn

jk that sucks Bannanas

(for anyone who didn’t get the joke you’re too young)

M really do Be Like That Sometimes lol
Just kidding he would never.
That's awful, Bananas, is there anything you can do?

Not really. No matter what I say, i'm always seen as being "problematic"
I'm lowkey waiting for M to screw them over since I legit can't do anything.

Deleted user

yes I am alive although I find myself dissociating in preparation for tmrw. RIP ME