forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


tbh it’s my parents telling me to slow down lol

i have the opposite problem. I want to get a job and support myself because my family is in a lot of financial debt, and I want to be able to support them in any money they may need, and not to mention anything I or my sister might want.

I have the same problem as Emi

My dad is the only one that works and ge is a taxi driver. He is an amazing contractor but no place will hire him because he is from Pakistan.

I want to work so I can help them but my parents tell me no.

They say I shouldn't because I'm a girl, I shouldn't work but also thatishould focus on school so when I graduate uni, I can get a decent job

Deleted user



Deleted user

yes but it's also uncomfortable going without a bra
It's an issue

Deleted user

if you're not doing anything ig
But if you actually wanna do stuff

Deleted user

I have kinda larger boobs and somewhat wide hips, but {and I mean this in a completely non stuck up way} I'm thin, so… Your girl has a strange body shape lol

Deleted user


I'm so sorry but I screamed

i'm sorry but MOOD


god i just wanna come out to my parents and get it over with! i genuinely just wanna move forward with it whatever way it goes and obviously i'm terrified (cuz homophobia) but i just really wish to get it over with and rip the bandage off. like everyone besides family knows and it's sometimes just hrnnggg


I just got back from thrift+bra shopping and this is a fucking mood. I need a fucking 42 D. Do you know how many bras Walmart has in that size? Not fuckin many


I just got back from thrift+bra shopping and this is a fucking mood. I need a fucking 42 D. Do you know how many bras Walmart has in that size? Not fuckin many

Mood, I'm also in the larger sizes and have to buy my bras at actual underwear exclusive stores because places like walmart does not carry my size

@HighPockets group

I'm so ridiculously curvy that simply using the swingset in our backyard is enough to give me scars all over my thigh


God, same. Can't I just swing in peace without the swing declaring war on my thighs?