forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user




it was a jooookee you can’t be friends with me if you’re not expecting passive aggressive attacks


(My WiFi went out last night so I wrote it down in Notepad, but… I got extremely carried away, I apologize for the long, dramatic post.)

So, a few years ago, my cousin got married, he found a really nice lady with the same interests, and they’re a very happy couple, they play video games together, they play board games together, they get extremely competitive over Mario Kart together, you know, couple stuff.
Well, they’re having a child soon, and we got the invitation to the baby shower yesterday…
What’s my mom’s first reaction? A simple “I’m so happy for them”? “I’ll mark that on my calendar”? Maybe even a smile?
First she got angry because they decided to name their own baby “Hyrum” instead of “Hiram”, which is apparently the only acceptable spelling of that name, and then she discovered that they were planning on only having this one child, no more…

She went on this long, borderline insane rant about how selfish they are, how they’ve already failed as parents, and, of course, how they
“haven’t even had their first child yet and they already don’t love him enough to have another”
(Exact quote, btw)

…All they said was they only wanted one child…
I would understand the disapproval if they were, say, getting an abortion 8 months in, but they aren’t, they’ve just decided that they want to dedicate their time to the one child as opposed to having 7 and then not being able to feed or care for them. It’s their life, why is it so important to you?
And again, this is my cousin’s child, not my brother’s, cousin’s. She’s personally offended by the very reasonable life choices of her distant nephew because they aren’t the same as hers.

And this isn’t the only example…
The other day I made the horrible mistake of calling our dog “my son”, you know, a normal nickname that happy dog owners use to refer to their precious fluffy adopted children?
Well, every time I do that, my mom always recites her little speech about why people calling their pets children “pisses her off” because “you could never possibly love an animal or pet the way you love an actual, human child.”

I’ve expressed countless times that I absolutely do not want children, or even a husband, but she keeps telling me that she won’t take me seriously until I’m at least 16.
My sister, Anna, is 19, and mom still tells her she can’t have that opinion either because she “hasn’t met the right guy yet” and will change her mind in exactly 3 years.
…I’m 90% sure my sister is ace, btw. She’s not going to meet the right guy, or any guy, or anyone. She has her group of friends including one dog and that’s enough. Stop trying to pressure her into something she doesn’t want, and please, for the love of heck, stop telling me that you “don’t want me to become like Anna” in that voice as if she’s a failure or embarrassment to the family because she’d rather move to Tennessee with her friends and train dogs than get married and raise children…

And alright, mom, if you really love us so much then why don’t you care for us? Why don’t we have an education? Why don’t you pay more attention to us? You’ve walked in on me crying alone in my room countless times and never even notice, you’ve seen Matthew’s issues and done nothing to help, why aren’t you here for us? Why can’t you help all of us and give us the care we need to grow into successful, healthy, happy people? That’s right, because you had more children than you could care for on your own, and now we’re struggling to try and pick up where you left off in hopes that maybe we can still have a normal life. We wouldn’t be in this mess if you just had one child, would you? So maybe stop judging everyone who decides to properly care for just one child, themselves, or even a dog, and let people live their lives, whether they have 20 children or none.

@HighPockets group


Does…does she not realize that a lot of millenial/gen z people don't want kids?? I've talked about it with my drama club friends and most of us don't want any (granted, a lot of them are queer so that does factor in).


Does…does she not realize that a lot of millenial/gen z people don't want kids??

Oh she realizes, and it just angers her even more. Kind of like boomers when they see children with smartphones instead of polio, “kids these days thinking they could possibly be happy without giving up their happiness and freedom for the rest of their life just to attempt to raise 47 tiny humans with serious physical and mental issues due to terrible genetics that don’t even get to live happy lives in the end because they were practically neglected their entire childhood and lack all skills needed to survive in this world”

…I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s told people “how do you know you won’t want kids if you’ve never had any?” in a completely serious tone of voice

Deleted user

They travel in packs
They're always sticky
Thy're always loud


they clingy
they dumbies
they don't let you leave the house
they do nothing but break stuff and scream until age 10
they do nothing but give you The Big Attitude until age 20
they leave you once they're tolerable humans
and only once they leave do you realize you wasted your whole youth on them and now are going to die with many regrets cause you couldn't accomplish any of your goals and instead took care of an ungrateful fleshy potato

Deleted user

Jay told me he wanted kids 'like soon' and I snarfed in my ice cream.
I mean I want them too but like soon?! yea no.

@The-Magician group

They have the potential to become the person who develops the cure for cancer
They have the imaginations that some adults could only dream of having

Deleted user

But they also have the potential to be the complete opposite.