forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

I don't go back and re-read chats but I did for this one…. lemme just say… oof XD

@ElderGod-kirky group

Am I going nuts, or are adults putting more and more pressure on teens to grow up?

Okay, so I'm 16 and don't have my permit yet. Whoopty doo! What the fuck is the big deal? I live in a legit village with no desire to go places outside of the small nearby town. No friends, because they're sucking the life out of me with their bullshit. Wtf do I need a car for? Not to mention the financial situation we're in, which isn't really ideal for a third driver.

My mom keeps hounding me about getting a job if I want to have a car, but the only reason I'd have a car would be to go to my job? ??? Adults keep picking on me for not liking the word 'work' when, in fact, it's not that simple. I don't like having to work on minimal mental stability and motivation. I wake up at 6:15 in the morning. I go to two schools, from 7:40 to 3:05, then get home at 4. I have homework from both schools, one of which is drawing which sucks up time like there's no tomorrow. I'm exhausted by the time I get done with school, okay? Sometimes I come home and have to do chores like mowing the lawn, burning garbage, or other time-consuming chores. I need to shower daily because my hair hates me. Eating???

What makes her think that I'd have any desire to get a job when I'm sixteen??

Oh, and not to mention literally every adult imaginable hounding us teens about college and future jobs. I'm so fucking tired of that shit, like come on. How many students are you going to push into college only for them to fall into debt and drop out? And they're not even good colleges, just local ones that want money. Fuck off and leave me alone already.

@Pickles group

I have no time for a job and my parents are mad at me for not having one but that's not going to change. They're filling up my free time with other stuff. I have no free days. I get home at 6:30 almost every day and I have homework every hecking day too

Deleted user

tbh it’s my parents telling me to slow down lol

i have the opposite problem. I want to get a job and support myself because my family is in a lot of financial debt, and I want to be able to support them in any money they may need, and not to mention anything I or my sister might want.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

No, not really.
There's this weird, overobsessive need I see so often with adults to just suck the enjoyability of childhood from kids and teens.

But aren’t the “young adults” of this age so irresponsible?


meanwhile not too many generations ago you were forced to get jobs at like 10 years old and get married/have children at 13 but yeah kids these days growing up too fast


Alrighty, I'm probably the villain in this rant but it's whatever.

I usually don't get angry easily, and if I do it's exceedingly rare. However, this year is really pushing it with my friend's boyfriend who can't leave her alone with me for five seconds. Like, he knows I can't freaking go outside and the only times I get to see her are third block and lunch, yet he still tails after her like a freaking lost puppy and it's pissing me the fuck off. At first, I didn't have an issue with it– mainly because she was my friend and I didn't want to cause any problems or whatever. But the more he hangs out with us, the worse his behavior gets. He legit makes a big deal out of everything. Today he literally got upset over the fact I sat next to her and he didn't. Like?? I, not really caring, offered my seat to him but he went on this whole rant about how my friend doesn't 'love him' and all that crap.

The two broke up already before–which I was really happy about– but he begged his way back into the relationship and it was one of the most pathetic thing I have ever seen someone do.

Now, I might be in the wrong for this rant as well but uh, here we go.

This girl at my school had a reputation for spreading rumors, going into friend groups and breaking them up and whatnot. So last year, I found out that she used to be in the friend group that I'm in now and the reason they kicked her out was because she was turning my friends against each other and calling them names behind their backs (ex 1: "Failed perm bitches" and "Monkeys"). But as of this year, she makes her way into our friend group and no one is talking about it? And when I try to boot her tf out, everyone's calling me mean? Mind you, she wreaked havoc before she joined by starting this whole big rumor that one of my friends were racist and homophobic when they clearly weren't and even faked screenshots to ruin her rep even more and I honestly did not want to invite toxicity near me. Despite all that, I still tried confronting her and her friends are like "oh, she's gonna rock your shit." or "oh, she's gonna beat you–" and i'm over here like what tf is she gonna do? Spank me?? Go to the counselor to tell her I don't roll with her??? Like i've known this girl long enough to know she's not going to do shit, besides, I only wanted to talk to her to tell her what she was doing wasn't cool and it ruined someone's entire image (and she's getting hella trolled because of that whole rumor).

@The-Magician group

Am I going nuts, or are adults putting more and more pressure on teens to grow up?

Well I mean… My parents and tutors are fine with the fact that I have no idea what I want to do with my life. My parents not pressuring me to move out or get a car any time soon, nor did they pressure me into getting a job. I have a job, and I'm looking into moving out and into a place with my boyfriend, but I wasn't pressured into any of that

Deleted user

My parents were pretty chill about things too. If I went to school I didn't have to work, if I worked I either had to take one class or not do school at all. I didn't get my license until I was 19. (shrugs) depends on the parents I guess.

Deleted user

I think there was a bit of pressure for me to grow up, not that much, but still, I see a lot of times where family members would reference wanting me or someone around my age to get a job when I come of age, work there and earn money, find a wife/husband, and have kids. Expand the family, you know (even though we already had a fairly large family living in one house together.)

Thing is I don’t want kids (biological ones anyways) due to a variety of reasons but I’d say the biggest is health reasons (because I could potentially pass something onto a child that I really don’t want them to get. I’m talking more about thyroid cancer and whatnot, I personally don’t have it but there’s a higher risk of it for myself because of Chernobyl. I’m healthy right now, but that doesn’t mean something can’t happen when I’m older.)

Back to the growing up thing it’s more the old fashioned side of my family that seems to hold that perspective. My family’s good and all, but it’s just that part that makes me iffy on it. I’d like to enjoy at least the next few years before I have to get a job. Although I do (kind of) look forwards to getting my own license.

It really does vary on the parent/family/relative though.

@HighPockets group

No, not really.
There's this weird, overobsessive need I see so often with adults to just suck the enjoyability of childhood from kids and teens.

But aren’t the “young adults” of this age so irresponsible?

No, not really. If anything I'd say that more of us are pretty mature, at least the people around my age who I hang out with.


Obviously there are irresponsible young adults and teens in this generation, but tbh, there always have been. It just seems like the irresponsible ones are the only ones the adults think exist, like they hear ‘oh this kid did…’ and get stuck on that one kid forever, declaring an entire generation irresponsible and immature and whatever based on that one teen

Deleted user

Well the media is to blame for that. No one is going to report on a kid being normal, just the idiots that eat tide pods.