forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

I know we have some cat enthusiasts here so

Deleted user

I'm the oldest granddaughter and it's apparently a tragedy that I'm not married or have children yet, at least on my dad's side. My grandmother always tells me "You're too skinny. You need a husband. Have babies. You're pretty enough–find a rich boy and get pregnant. I want more babies in my life." D:

and my hispanic grandmother says "Don't you dare have children, bruja. The world doesn't need more of your magic."

Gee. Thanks grandmas.

Deleted user

She's Eastern European. In her eyes I should have been married and popping out children as soon as I graduated high school. That 'Old Country Babushka™' vibe is real with her.


lol marriage is a weird thought to me cuz my mother is constantly talking about it and my hypothetical husband and sometimes i'm just like "yeah sure whatever" and other times it's like "haha husband, suurreeee" and most of the time it's like "mama i'm only 15 there's still time"

Deleted user

my mom didn't understand why I don't really want biological children
And I'm closeted, so I couldn't really tell her "I can't have biological children if I'm with a girl"


Omg same with my parents. I told them I'm going to adopt because I don't wanna go through that whole… process and they went ballistic.

Deleted user

The only one that really cares about me having kids (other than my grandmother) is my biological father. He's kind of obsessed with 'passing on his bloodline' but his ass got stuck with 3 girls so his last name will diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie and I love it.

My mom and step dad couldnt care less. They think that since I have a cat I'm fine. XD my emotional turmoil whenever something happens to him is apparently "too much to handle" and if I had children it would 'be an absolute shitshow of emotions'

@Pickles group

I don't want kids because I don't want to get married, I don't want to have sex, and I don't want to accidentally raise a murderer. Yes, I am actually afraid that if I had a kid, they would become a serial killer. Also, ew I don't want to deal with attitude or schools

Deleted user

if I could have kids and then hand them over to my parents when they reached like 10–that would be great. I hate pre-teens and teenagers.

(no offense guys. I mean the ones in reality)

Deleted user

I honestly being a mature teenager feel like I could raise a kid when I’m thirty-ish. But I’d rather have money and tattoos. And guinea pigs. Sooooo it’s an easy pass. Besides if I do end up being together with someone it will be imperative that they feel the same way (if I still feel this way fourteen years later).

@HighPockets group

I don't want to have kids, I really don't. I don't want to do the process, I don't want to pass on my genetics with how sucky the ones from just my side would be, I don't want to deal with the education system, I don't want to be responsible for raising a whole-ass human being for 18 years of my life.
I would maybe adopt an older child/teen but I don't want a baby.