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alright so like everyone wanted a list of RPers so here

(Notes by Emi, agreed upon by experienced group members)


Thinking_Bee (While their characters are nice and well-rounded, they don’t seem to understand what someone means by ‘busy’.)

MysticSquijet (I haven’t seen them online for quite some time, or their user changed,

"Fenris the asgardian wolf" (They’re actually somewhere in the middle. I’ve seen actual good devotion to RPs but I personally have not experienced it, and unless you’re a close friend, you might not either.)

Knight-Shives (Makes really good ideas but never starts a RP and makes eh characters. Terrible with one-liners and grammar)

ShadowKnight (Okay at RPing but there’s some confusion with grammar and making more OCs)

It’sMyBirthdayIStealWhatIWantto (Liz) (Constantly making okay but really cliche romances. Terrible writer and OC maker. Also grammar is like… oof.)

emma (Seems to be kinda rude? But she makes okay characters with iffy grammar)

CW_StarkSpangledBanner (I probably should’ve put them higher up, but yeah. Alright grammar. Okay characters and awful with one liners. Can definitely fix these things to be on the quality list. They belong more onto it than they do on this one, which is definitely a good thing. They’ve advanced a lot.)

Zero Devil (Constantly makes an RP about themselves. Idk if that’s just a me thing but I hate it.)

charliebrown (Bad characters? Terrible grammar?)

"Norepinephrinxx " (I love Nore, but RPing isn’t their thing.)

MidnightWarrior13 " (They’re okay? But they have iffy grammar and they’re kinda stubborn.)

Starlight-Unicorn (Poor grammar… umm… sort of childish, but that might just be a given.) (that’s like, super unclear lmao)

Bandito (Really rude and self-centered)

Hac_KinG (Terrible grammar, also haven’t seen around.)

Crisp_and_the_others! (Uses Asterisks for their actions and one-lines a lot, though I haven’t seen them around.)

Shuri-is-a-Birb-in-a-Cage! (Not that descriptive but his characters are pretty good.)

NutEllaDraws (Apparently lazy, never responds. I myself have never been in an RP with them, and I don’t think I’ll find myself in one, either, not in a rude way.)

Arron-is-a-Kitten (Simple sentences, poor capitalization.)

Jacks347 (Like Fenris, Jacks can definitely improve. They have some trouble with character developments and longer responses.)

Slightly Questionable-

(The only reason this is questionable is because some of these people have been debated against.)

Icefire (I’m not quite sure what to think about them, but I have stalked a few RPs where they are involved. If you want someone you’d like ideas to bounce off of, this person is for you.)

Fanfiction-Fanatic (Honestly I’ve been skulking around lately and finding this person. Their starters are pretty meh but their grammar is okay.)

Bananapudding (My one role-play has not gone on long enough for me to pass judgement. Though so far they’re quite alright. I would suggest working on lengths of responses, though.)


Eris (Incredible writing and rounded characters with thought and effort put in. Love her so much!)

Moxie (Amazing ideas that clearly have been thought out and have time behind them and writing. Oh goodness, her writing.)

Lotus-Flower (Honestly, Loti is probably a permanent RPer on this list because she's incredibly desriptive and a wonderful writer.)

Topaz~ (Amazing characters and ideas. Her RPs are always fun to take part in.)

A-n-x-i-e-t-y (Also another in amazing characters, always making up new ideas for them and how to characterize them.)

Imperfect_Autumn (Love her ideas. She always has great O/O ideas and even more amazing characters.)

WritingGale (Amazing writng and well-rounded characters. Stunning in descriptions.)

octane_wishes_for_death (I just frickin' love Octane and their amazing characters. Though they do not RP often here any more.

icecubes (Our RP didn't last long, but their character was well-rounded and their writing was upbeat and confident.)

Carrots (Always being creative with their characters and ideas.)

Iris (She isn't on very often, but when she is her RPs are fun inside, and outside. Love her characters and writing.) (literally scared she might leave help)

Whisper (Knows how to take control of an RP and will not let one die. Has well-rounded characters with wonderful grammar.)

CW_ShadeStar (Flexible and quick-to-react. Always is polite and petite in their writing.)

send-me-to-the-moon (Despite being so doubtful of herself, Kmart is a great character creater and has great ideas!)

UnseelingKing (Love Reed’s characters (who are most of the time badass or cuties) and style of in-your-face writing.)

Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose (Personally, I feel like I belong up in more ‘Questionable’ because I often don’t respond to things if I’m simply bored with the RP. It’s really bad lol. But my characters are ok but used often and repeated.)

Chogiwae (I haven't RPed with them much, but when I did, I could see the thought they put into each response to make it count.)

Yoaisami (Really recommend if you want an RPer that can write descritive, well-writen and thought out responses. click noice.)

RedTheHopeless (I love Red's messed up characters and how well they document each one. Their pasts are well thought out, as well as their bodies, emotions, and even style.)

CallyCat (They absolutely work their hardest to give out well-written responses. I love their writing style and characters.)

Mark_Is_Male (A great RPer overall with a great writing style. Really enthusiastic about RPs.)

Deslaverse (Though my RP did not last long with them, they had a wonderful writing style with a great character.) (RIP I think their account is deleted but I'm not sure)

Smol_Might_Bleu (Bleu has well-developed characters and lovely descriptions of towns and actions. Love them!)

just-em (a wonderful roleplayer with realistic decisions and responses.)

LolaBug (Love,ove,ove Lolabug! She has a wonderful sense of writing and friendship.)

Mojack (They have such a talent for writing. I love their ideas but I’m always so late to join.)

Kinarymo (Our RP together is one of my favorites so far. Their responses are sooo lengthy and sooo good. It’ll leave you wishing that your word count was as impressive as theirs.)

ApatheticLoser (they're not anything of a loser!) (I loveloveloveloced RPing with Mumu!! I, like many others on this list, are probably biased because Mumu was the first person I RPed with on the site. I still really suggest RPing with them because they can pull an RP along and create amazing scenes.)

Deleted user

*If you’re not on the list and you role play, you can assume you’re on the questionable list.

Deleted user

Oh i didn’t realize we left you out lol

So far people with positive things have answered but like no negatives have lol

@HighPockets group

K history lesson basically after WWII the parents of the boomers (also known as Silent Generation) came home and did the big smash to their wives and children popped out which is called the Child Fever or the great baby boom


They did the

Monster Smash

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Gonna speak for Bandito and say they had at least one really good RP and were really great with it. (It was the best one I've been in except possibly the O/O Eris and I have.)
Also Eris, where do you say I go on the list. (When I do RP that is.)

Deleted user

maybe if you RESPONDED

On the good side obviously, but I'm biased because our o/o is flipping awesome

Deleted user

I’m working on it. Promise. It school’s really getting me atm. Haven’t slept at a reasonable time for a while.

No stress. No stress at all!