forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user


call 605-475-6961

Why would you want to call Hogwarts???


@The-Magician group


call 605-475-6961

Why would you want to call Hogwarts???


I mean… At the time it is here, I'm thinking that no one would be awake to answer

@Pickles group

I'd like to be rude to my band director for not letting us audition for this solo. What if I dont want it? What if I just don't play it? Maybe I'll practice during class and at the concert just not play. Huh? Huh? Whatcha gonna do about it

@The-Magician group

Lee you live at Hogwarts?!

the jealousy is real.

Trust me sweetpea, I wouldn't be able to tell you, if I do or not, without sufficient proof that you are not a muggle wink

Deleted user

can i be rude to my class for being so fricken loud, like im sorry, unlike you, i like not failing my classes….

@HighPockets group

I'd like to be rude to my band director for not letting us audition for this solo. What if I dont want it? What if I just don't play it? Maybe I'll practice during class and at the concert just not play. Huh? Huh? Whatcha gonna do about it

Oh mood. My choir director last year let us only get one solo (which was good in theory, but not in execution). She'd never tell us what the upcoming songs would be and I'd always regret auditioning/not auditioning because what if the next one was better or the other songs sucked?? I ended up doing a small group solo with some other kids for Der Erlkonig but we kinda sucked because she didn't fucking practice a complicated small group 4-part split with us until the week of the concert.

@The-Magician group

can i be rude to my class for being so fricken loud, like im sorry, unlike you, i like not failing my classes….

That is such a mood, you have a hell yes from me

Deleted user

Lee you live at Hogwarts?!

the jealousy is real.

Trust me sweetpea, I wouldn't be able to tell you, if I do or not, without sufficient proof that you are not a muggle wink

And here I thought being named for an obscure goddess was enough. D:

Deleted user

When you say "awful with ineliners" does that mean I have them too often, or…

Too often, yes. That’s my reasoning I personally hate one-liners and so do other people.

Also Crocs I have seen a few of your RPs but likeeeeee…

And Al even though you’ve seen them I have not. What I have seen is that they are fussy and hard to work with to put it frankly.

@The-Magician group

Lee you live at Hogwarts?!

the jealousy is real.

Trust me sweetpea, I wouldn't be able to tell you, if I do or not, without sufficient proof that you are not a muggle wink

And here I thought being named for an obscure goddess was enough. D:

Hmmm it might be, but one can never be too careful

@Pickles group

Stick it to the man Pickles.

I understand what you mean so keep that mind He's hardly a man he graduated college last year and hes an actual child