forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

I wanna adopt I think
Cause pregnancy sounds literally like the worst

I cringe just thinking about that.
Like, nine months of throwing up and not being able to do stuff and it ending with pushing a child out your vagoosh?? No thanks.

Deleted user

i dont want kids either, doesnt interest me AT ALL

you're aroace, dork XD

Deleted user

i dont want kids either, doesnt interest me AT ALL

you're aroace, dork XD


Deleted user

I wanna adopt I think
Cause pregnancy sounds literally like the worst

I cringe just thinking about that.
Like, nine months of throwing up and not being able to do stuff and it ending with pushing a child out your vagoosh?? No thanks.


@HighPockets group

Lowkey, i'm not really sure if I can handle being a parent. The last thing I want is to become as toxic as my parents are

I just don't want to be responsible for another human being. If I get married I guess I'm a little responsible for my spouse but they also would obviously be taking care of themself and I'd just be living with them. You have full responsibility over a child until they're 18, and that's not something I want to commit to.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

The population's already too big

Nah. I’ve seen studies on it. And based on world population of a few years ago we could all live in the US without being half as dense as NY. And besides, just about all countries are falling fast below the repopulation rate. America is holding on, but that’s only because of immigration. But most places don’t have as much as we do. (If I’m remembering right.)

Deleted user

K history lesson basically after WWII the parents of the boomers (also known as Silent Generation) came home and did the big smash to their wives and children popped out which is called the Child Fever or the great baby boom

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

K history lesson basically after WWII the parents of the boomers (also known as Silent Generation) came home and did the big smash to their wives and children popped out which is called the Child Fever or the great baby boom

Okay. I’d heard the story, but the name Baby Fever was a new one.

Deleted user

Okay, this is completely off topic but do any of you guys know where the dorsallis pedis is?

pedis sounds like peepee


Otherwise no but I can look it up (it’s Latin tho owo).