forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

I give up. You can go on thinking he's awesome and I'll know he's a dick but it's fine because we're not going to convince each other otherwise

Honey, you haven't even finished the book. Don't be pissy that I can appreciate a well-written character who you write off because 'he's a dick' without knowing that the Creature and Victor both being morally grey is the point of the book :)

Deleted user

Gonna be rude to my wallet real quick because the merch launch for the new Star Wars stuff is tomorrow and I'm practically broke.

I’m also gonna be rude real quick; I want the official Inktober art box but nooo it has to be expensive and sold out and I have to be broke

@HighPockets group

Gonna be rude to my wallet real quick because the merch launch for the new Star Wars stuff is tomorrow and I'm practically broke.

I’m also gonna be rude real quick; I want the official Inktober art box but nooo it has to be expensive and sold out and I have to be broke


Deleted user

Gonna be rude to my wallet real quick because the merch launch for the new Star Wars stuff is tomorrow and I'm practically broke.

I’m also gonna be rude real quick; I want the official Inktober art box but nooo it has to be expensive and sold out and I have to be broke


There are so many epic things and by the time I can afford it it’ll be sold out :(

I’ll prolly be able to afford it near my birthday which is the 24th


Why can’t it be in September before Inktober?

@HighPockets group

Gonna be rude to my wallet real quick because the merch launch for the new Star Wars stuff is tomorrow and I'm practically broke.

I’m also gonna be rude real quick; I want the official Inktober art box but nooo it has to be expensive and sold out and I have to be broke


There are so many epic things and by the time I can afford it it’ll be sold out :(

I’ll prolly be able to afford it near my birthday which is the 24th


Why can’t it be in September before Inktober?

You could do it and call it Inkvember?

Deleted user

Gonna be rude to my wallet real quick because the merch launch for the new Star Wars stuff is tomorrow and I'm practically broke.

I’m also gonna be rude real quick; I want the official Inktober art box but nooo it has to be expensive and sold out and I have to be broke


There are so many epic things and by the time I can afford it it’ll be sold out :(

I’ll prolly be able to afford it near my birthday which is the 24th


Why can’t it be in September before Inktober?

You could do it and call it Inkvember?

no cus then when I do the prompts I’d just be posting and people would be like th frik

Deleted user


What do yall think of all the books that have announced that they are getting shows?

@ElderGod-kirky group

They are my two favorite book series and I'm going to go on a murderous rampage if they pull a Percy Jackson Adaptation, then die in a puddle of anger and sadness

Deleted user

Tell them to get out, then? Like not that hard. Take charge.


It's my Dragon Ashes Rp

The person in question is Loki_Lyakuya

I don't want to be mean but holy shit I cannot contain my annoyance

They are, without consulting with me first, taking control of my plot, responding to things however they want to and they aren't using commas and periods where they should be which is hella annoying because the meaning if the sentence is hella different

@HighPockets group

I'm excited for the Grishaverse show, mildly hyped but concerned for ADSOM (I feel like it'd work better animated?? And since Schwab is writing more books in that universe, they should wait), never read The Knife Of Never Letting Go but Daisy Ridley is in it and I'm absolute trash for her so I might read it to see the movie, not far enough into The Raven Boys to feel worried about it, fuck All The Bright Places it doesn't deserve a movie, Children of Blood and Bone was good but I feel like I'd be better animated, Little Women seems good, City Of Ghosts sounds good but I don't like that they're aging up the MC, the Throne of Glass show is in developmental hell and I doubt we'll ever see it, and I can't think of any more rn.

@HighPockets group

fuck All The Bright Places it doesn't deserve a movie,

Why? I’ve heard a bit about that book.

It's basically a beat-for-beat ripoff of The Fault In Our Stars but about depression, the MCs do nothing to work towards healing, it glorifies not taking meds (which is something I passionately despise), the main guy is a total Manic Pixie Dream Boy, and it's just awful. And now it's getting a tv show so its disgusting influence will spread.