forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@ElderGod-kirky group

I got snow in June once

Same. My dad said Mother Nature needed to get laid by Satan to make it warm like it's supposed to be.

Mother Nature has been off her rocker for quite some time, actually


It's supposed to be 98 tomorrow. I'd rather have the snow

oh same apparently it's "88" degrees but feels like 99 sooo (i actually looked like it was gonna rain this morning buuttt)

@Mojack group

Weather where I live in general is weird. We had a green Christmas once (December with no snow, meaning you could still see green grass) and that is very very unusual for northern Ontario from what I’ve seen


Weather where I live in general is weird. We had a green Christmas once (December with no snow, meaning you could still see green grass) and that is very very unusual for northern Ontario from what I’ve seen

Honestly yeah, I lived in Toronto for a long while and cant remember a day that we didnt have snow in December-March

Deleted user

Hey eris, what does your thingy say beside your username? Is it Japanese?

It is Japanese for "Queen of the Night"
'Kunoichi' is Japanese too, but for 'Female Ninja'

@ElderGod-kirky group

Come to Pennsylvania. We have all seasons within one day

Oh mood but only in "winter" tho (cuz i'm in texas)
But most of the time, it's just hott

I wouldn't be able to live in Texas. I can't handle the heat very well. I'd rather be cold

@ElderGod-kirky group

I wanna throat punch my math teacher.

Bitch, I go to a different school, then come back with already less time to eat, and you expect me to leave before I'm supposed to because you're too torture happy to wait six fucking minutes? Fuck no. It's bad enough you tell the class what they're doing and not me. I'm sitting around looking like a dumbass because I have no clue what the fuck I'm supposed to do. AND LET US FUCKING LEAVE THE CLASS IF WE NEED TO. I NEED TO LEAVE THE BUILDING AT A CERTAIN TIME, AND YOU NEED TO LET ME GRAB MY PASS SO MY TEACHER DOESN'T THINK I'M SOME DELINQUENT TRYING TO SKIP SCHOOL. AND SOME OF US NEED TO PEE BEFORE THE ASSIGNMENT IS DONE

@Mojack group

Speaking of wild weather, I’m getting a thunderstorm plus bad wind plus heavy rain right now. It’s only 3 PM and the ditches are flooded, and it’s still going to rain tonight plus some of tomorrow.

Some places are probably going to be flooded tomorrow, if things keep up like this.


I was reading through them first few pages and comparing what people said about me to old writing I did on the site when I first got here and holy shit people were right

I was an annoying af person who stuck my nose into legit every Rp ever without actually trying to fix my shit

I appetizer for all the shit my younger self did lmao