forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user




that’s it that’s MD for you

@HighPockets group

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the bubblers at my school suck. The ones at my last school had the automatic water bottle fillers but these don't so you can never get a full bottle and it always sprays water on youuuu

Deleted user

…. bubblers as in tiny bongs that go glub glub glub when you smoke the weed?

Deleted user

yeah, thats what they are

most of the bubblers at my school spray hot, plastic tasting water

Deleted user

Ladies and gentlemen of the Rudeness Chat–

I, Eris, am to see my little sisters this weekend. Which means I need to be 'more PG'. In an effort to refrain from cussing up a godsbedamned storm I have delegated the work 'bonk' as a PG curse word for my use.

Please let this be a notification should you see it in any upcoming posts, so there is little to no confusion.

Deleted user

…. bubblers as in tiny bongs that go glub glub glub when you smoke the weed?

Water fountains

well bonk– back in the day we just called them water fountains. Ya'll fancy youngsters.

@HighPockets group

Ladies and gentlemen of the Rudeness Chat–

I, Eris, am to see my little sisters this weekend. Which means I need to be 'more PG'. In an effort to refrain from cussing up a godsbedamned storm I have delegated the work 'bonk' as a PG curse word for my use.

Please let this be a notification should you see it in any upcoming posts, so there is little to no confusion.

That's pretty bonking neat.

@HighPockets group

…. bubblers as in tiny bongs that go glub glub glub when you smoke the weed?

Water fountains

well bonk– back in the day we just called them water fountains. Ya'll fancy youngsters.

Apparently it's a Wisconsin thing.