forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Mojack group

I like going to games sometimes for my school, but I don’t really like going to dances that much since I don’t have anything to do there. I used to go to the Halloween dance in my elementary school every year though, since it was fun to dress up in a costume. Don’t go to elementary though anymore and I don’t remember if my current school has a dance for that, but I think we just do 4 days of costumes instead.

Deleted user

I, unfortunately, have had the worst dance experiences. So–yea. RIP anyone that tries to convince me otherwise.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I can't go to dances on my own or I'll have a borderline panic attack. Too many people for me to handle, too little space. I feel too exposed, like I'm being judged constantly. The one "friend" I had (she's pissed at me now for saying how it is) begged me to go to one. I went for her. She fucking abandoned me, only coming up to say hi then left me. I left after 20 minutes, practically crying I was so. I dunno.

Moral of the story, dances suck.

BUT, I did go to one dance during a summer program, and I stayed the entire time, in the crowd, with minimal problems. I did leave a few times to get some space and air, but I didn't wander too far and came back.

ngl, I mostly stayed to ogle my eye candy

Deleted user

I wish you could come to mine. But you would not fit in at all.

I would try.
I can be nice and christian appropriate.

Deleted user

I get to stay home and eat

My parents think HoCo is like, some big dance like Prom so if I end up going with a date (hA improbable unless I ask someone) I’ll have to get all dressed up and I don’t even have a dress picked out

@Pickles group

I don't have a dress picked either and mine is this weekend lol. I don't even wanna go and my best friend is too nice to tell people they can't go with us so no one knows anyone

Deleted user

I’ve literally been hearing about it all day it bothered the shit out of me all day


I do not

(I prefer switch Mario Cart tbh)

Deleted user

You know what it reminds me of? Pokémon GO. Like a lot of people who have never played Pokémon before go and play on some goddamn app instead and don’t get the whole thing and why it was so much fun. It’s the same with MKT ùoú

Deleted user

i'd like to hate on the person that thought it was okay to let the general public of australia see our politicians in budgie smugglers…

now that i've done that i'm going to try and remove that image from my brain…