forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

but i'll just get in trouble for talking to fucking strangers on the internet to begin with…

Perhaps that’s what will make you learn?

No offense but like

i know this was a few pages ago but you are right, no offence taken


Uhhhhhh I missed like 40 pages while trying to make doll hair, what the hecc happened

…Last thing I read was a debate about ties, to which I can say that bowties are cooler
But something tells me this isn't all about ties

Deleted user

Uhhhhhh I missed like 40 pages while trying to make doll hair, what the hecc happened

…Last thing I read was a debate about ties, to which I can say that bowties are cooler
But something tells me this isn't all about ties

no, it's not…

Deleted user

Lol I know, my inner drama queen insisted it was about her. :P

I hope your irl drama queen gets hit with inconvenient karma all day today.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Mostly, she just sucks up all the drama she can while encouraging people to talk about her and her personal life. She doesn't give a shit about her grades and just skips school for the hell of it, then steals my shit to get caught up and expects me to so shit for her, like writing a poem for her. Hell no.

What also pisses me off is the fact that she lies and goes behind her parents' backs all the fucking time, and then insists that this time they won't find out. Well, guess what darling, they found out. They're hardcore Catholics and she's bisexual, so they disapprove of her dating a girl. The last relationship she was in was with a girl, and they went through a whole bunch of shit because of their parents. Understandable enough. Then they faked breaking up and continued to talk, even though they were banned from talking to each other. "Oh, they won't find out. I'm happy. Just let me be happy."

They found out, and now my friend is pretending to be a dude to talk to the girl while simultaneously going out with some dude, I think. She's known for her "shopping" while dating someone, which also pisses me off. It's like she wants to be single but also in a relationship.