forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

IWAs TRamATIZEd bY ThEM!!!!11!!1!!1!

Exactly what an Aussie would say


I'm just saying that I told everyone he was a pedo groomer and you all flipped a bitch.
And now………………………………

We're here.

Deleted user

I'm just saying that I told everyone he was a pedo groomer and you all flipped a bitch.
And now………………………………

We're here.

p sure we said that first just sayin

Don’t take all the glory cus you clearly don’t deserve it sis

Deleted user

raises eyebrows

p sure you were taking the ‘glory’ behind shooting down a potential threat to the site


Deleted user

And you were taking the credit while you’re never here to actually do anything to help—



By saying 'I told you so'? That's hardly taking the glory, it's more being smug that I was right. It took someone fearing for their safety for you people to understand and really see what I was talking about. That is sad… I'm not taking any pleasure out of this horrible situation, just somewhat prideful in my past actions.

Deleted user

I feel like you didn’t exactly do anything about it though. You didn’t try to acquaint yourself with any of the victims, you didn’t contact admin, and you didn’t do anything to affront Shuri

So like overall there was no point to remind us

I don’t even remember you ever saying anything like that (tbh I don’t remember anything you said in the past just that I have negative feelings towards you)

Deleted user

Go try to knock someone else down with guilt, I'm not going to play.

I’m just trying to tell you that maybe you shouldn't act like you’re on such a high horse. I’m not trying to guilt anyone. That’s not my game.


So…why mention it like that then? Why not just say 'maybe we should have kept a closer eye on him' or 'I knew something didn't seem right' instead? Instead of showing up after it's done and over with and acting smug about a kid being terrified for their own safety just because it proves that you were right?

Deleted user

christ when did this turn into a competition over who said what first or who did what??