forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Wait hold up, I'm a little behind, shuri got kicked off the site?

I don’t think so. Not yet, anyway.


I feel like you didn’t exactly do anything about it though. You didn’t try to acquaint yourself with any of the victims, you didn’t contact admin, and you didn’t do anything to affront Shuri

So like overall there was no point to remind us

I don’t even remember you ever saying anything like that (tbh I don’t remember anything you said in the past just that I have negative feelings towards you)

Who says I didn't do any of that? Just because I don't blurt out every second of my life like the rest of you doesn't mean that I didn't try to contact anyone to assist.

Stop assuming, you're making an ass out of yourself.

I did tell you guys to be wary, but no one listened. Forgive me for having a little pride in myself for recognizing a danger.

@HighPockets group

It doesn't matter who said it first, it just matters that it was said. Yes, Ciel could've phrased it better but we all make mistakes. What matters now is the task at hand, whatever it may be.

Deleted user

I feel like you didn’t exactly do anything about it though. You didn’t try to acquaint yourself with any of the victims, you didn’t contact admin, and you didn’t do anything to affront Shuri

So like overall there was no point to remind us

I don’t even remember you ever saying anything like that (tbh I don’t remember anything you said in the past just that I have negative feelings towards you)

Who says I didn't do any of that? Just because I don't blurt out every second of my life like the rest of you doesn't mean that I didn't try to contact anyone to assist.

Stop assuming, you're making an ass out of yourself.

I did tell you guys to be wary, but no one listened. Forgive me for having a little pride in myself for recognizing a danger.

Preeeetty sure you didn’t tho just saying. Things would’ve gotten done and there would’ve been more awareness.

I’m pretty sure you are, you’re being the more violent and defensive one.

@HighPockets group

We've been wary of Shuri since January, but that's irrelevant. What is relevant is that he acts like a child groomer and has yet to face reprocussions for his actions.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Emi, but weren't either you or Connie suspended for much less in the earlier days of the site?

@ElderGod-kirky group

And you're making an ass out of yourself. Your 'pride' is blatant arrogance, and you weren't the only one who recognized it. Like Crocs said, you made no move to help a scared kid, only reaped the benefits of supposedly being right about something like accusing someone of being a perv.

Deleted user

We've been wary of Shuri since January, but that's irrelevant. What is relevant is that he acts like a child groomer and has yet to face reprocussions for his actions.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Emi, but weren't either you or Connie suspended for much less in the earlier days of the site?

There was no suspension lmao. But andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) did step in to calm us down and I’m sure if anything happened as to a predator situation andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) would inform us or at least change something about the site to fix the situation.

@HighPockets group

We've been wary of Shuri since January, but that's irrelevant. What is relevant is that he acts like a child groomer and has yet to face reprocussions for his actions.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Emi, but weren't either you or Connie suspended for much less in the earlier days of the site?

There was no suspension lmao. But andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) did step in to calm us down and I’m sure if anything happened as to a predator situation andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) would inform us or at least change something about the site to fix the situation.

OH I thought you each got a week long ban never mind.
Anyone remember what andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) did in last year's predator situation?

Deleted user

We don't know if she did or didn't do anything.
Jesus christ now we're bitching at someone for telling it like it is?
Can we just let it go?

Accurate representation of how much I want to keep wasting my time on this.

Deleted user

We've been wary of Shuri since January, but that's irrelevant. What is relevant is that he acts like a child groomer and has yet to face reprocussions for his actions.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Emi, but weren't either you or Connie suspended for much less in the earlier days of the site?

There was no suspension lmao. But andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) did step in to calm us down and I’m sure if anything happened as to a predator situation andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) would inform us or at least change something about the site to fix the situation.

OH I thought you each got a week long ban never mind.
Anyone remember what andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) did in last year's predator situation?

I don’t think we informed andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) as much? But I think he maybe said he’d keep an eye out and do something the next time? That could be wrong

@HighPockets group


Some creep kept asking another user for their personal information, like where exactly they lived. They freaked out and told us to be wary, a bunch of us called the guy out and he deleted his account.

Deleted user

Anyway random subject change time

Ima be rude to Chemistry


Why is it so hard hhhhhh

Preachings of a sophomore who does not have her shit together