forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

im gonna fail my semester cause none of my teachers know how to do their fucking jobs… funnnnn


I've got AP Physics, but wanted a bio class to make it easier, since I'm going to a different school half the time. My guidance counselor basically said I'm too smart for that and stuck me there, so here I am, dying inside every day at the end of school.

Damn man you gain that grain

Also I’m sorry that sucks

Deleted user

Well I’ve just said I’m a sophomore so

Eris is in her twenties so depending on the others she might be

Not that there’s any shame, at least she’s not another less-than-active 20ish year old on this chat.

Deleted user

oh I turn sixteen the 24th of October if that helps

(My birthday’s late but technically I should be a junior huffy noise)


I was at choir and missed some pages so maybe we do have exact quotes but please for the love of cinnamon rolls can we get some exact quotes of what Shuri said before trying to kick the guy off the site


oof I missed a lot

Also, since this is the Rudeness chat I can say this…
Ciel. I love you but your attitude is possibly one of the most infuriating out of anyone I’ve ever met and I know a lot of people
I know this is the Rudeness chat, home of bad attitudes, but you’re taking it a bit too far.

Also, I would like to remind a few specific people that hey
These users you’re speaking to aren’t just pictures and names, they’re human beings, and deserve to be treated as such.


please for the love of cinnamon rolls can we get some exact quotes of what Shuri said before trying to kick the guy off the site

and I second this ^^