forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers


I'm not really sure what there is to talk about
my brain just decided last week that "hey, I'm gonna have a complete meltdown in front of the one user you trust the most, cry for hours, and then disappear without proper recovery, leaving you questioning everything, unable to tell between what's real and what's exaggerated, devoid of all your motivation, and basically just a massive freaking mess"

I don't know how long it will take for me to calm the heck down but it's definitely going to take longer now that everyone's telling me the one person I trust and feel comfortable venting about this stuff to is a terrible person who's not to be trusted… :)
I think I have the evidence to prove they're a good bean but at the same time, I'm such a mess that I can't tell what's evidence and what isn't
plus I'm not in the mood for arguing anyway so it wouldn't matter

Who am I?
What year is it?
Are opossums even that cute?
I don't know

…And that's my nonsensical rant for the day, sorry if I wasted anyone's time, here's a doggo doing the blep


Possum = Australian

  • Looks kind of like a cross between a koala and a bat
  • is cute

Opossum = American

  • The “o” is silent
  • looks very different from Australian possums
  • Is the absolute cutest
  • makes my heart vv happy
  • is perfect
  • awwwwwwwwwwwwww

Deleted user


possums are australian, opossums are from north america. opossum was first

okay, my mistake, im sorry

@Moxie group

See Ella? Opossums are still cute. I mean look at little face!!!
I'm sorry you feel like such a mess. I think we've all been there. I've definitely been there. You're not wasting anyone's time. You're not a waste of anything

@Pickles group


possums are australian, opossums are from north america. opossum was first

okay, my mistake, im sorry

i didn't know until i looked it up just then xD

Deleted user

Someones true colors should not be a worry of yours, hun.
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue forward, because at the end of the day the only person that is always gonna be strong and sure for you is you. Don't tie yourself to someone you know in your heart is going to drag you down. It may be hard, so hard, but you already know that you can get through it.
Friends are a dime a dozen unfortunately and I guarantee that there will be more heart break in your life, but suffering is a choice and you can choose not to. Take the pain and punch it in the face with a smile because you are better than that.

@HighPockets group

What do Austrailian possums look like then?

Like the cute one up there. The American ones are sort of hideous.

>offended ‘Murican opossum noises

They're both cute but I like weird batty-looking critters