forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Dom you can't just tell a kid who's legit scared not to be scared. Even if it was maybe an overreaction or misunderstanding, if she's scared, then belittling her fear is still a horrible thing to do


Deleted user

I don't care if he has done it or not, I care that Ruby doesn't feel safe. That's all that matters right now.

Deleted user

I am not letting another goddamned minor be put into something I was, we are going to make sure this ends up alright.

@HighPockets group

thanks dom, really lifting my spirits here aha

I’m sorry for you Ruby. But I’m the guy’s friend. It’s my duty to speak for him until I have proof against him.

This is not the time to play the noble friend, Dom. A child's safety is at risk. She feels compromised and unsafe. Make Shuri speak for himself instead of blindly defending him.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dom you can't just tell a kid who's legit scared not to be scared. Even if it was maybe an overreaction or misunderstanding, if she's scared, then belittling her fear is still a horrible thing to do

It’s not the fear that’s my problem. Fear without logic has been the death of many. And I owe it to Shuri to keep this from being one sided.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

thanks dom, really lifting my spirits here aha

I’m sorry for you Ruby. But I’m the guy’s friend. It’s my duty to speak for him until I have proof against him.

how do you think i feel?! i thought he was my friend too….

Idk dude…

Deleted user

but what if im overreacting?
what if its nothing?
what if im wrong..?


Dom, you know I think you're cool and all, but you sound like a douche right now. I get where you're coming from. But maybe, instead, just politely ask for proof or something instead of constantly shutting her down??

Deleted user

Dom you can't just tell a kid who's legit scared not to be scared. Even if it was maybe an overreaction or misunderstanding, if she's scared, then belittling her fear is still a horrible thing to do

It’s not the fear that’s my problem. Fear without logic has been the death of many. And I owe it to Shuri to keep this from being one sided.

I think maybe you should just shut your mouth.

@HighPockets group

but what if im overreacting?
what if its nothing?
what if im wrong..?

You are not wrong. He made you uncomfortable, and he's done that to others on here. You're not overreacting, Ruby.

Deleted user

but what if im overreacting?
what if its nothing?
what if im wrong..?

Ruby, I know that feeling. You are not wrong, you are right for feeling unsafe. Try not to focus on this alright, maybe unfollow this thread for a bit. I'll pm you what happens okay?

Deleted user

but what if im overreacting?
what if its nothing?
what if im wrong..?

You are not wrong. He made you uncomfortable, and he's done that to others on here. You're not overreacting, Ruby.

but what if i am, considering i have trauma what this sort of thing in my past, (and present but oh well.)

@HighPockets group

Tell Shuri to man up and speak for himself. This is an issue about what he has done, not you, Dom. Tell Shuri to stop hiding like a coward and explain himself.

Deleted user

Guys stop attacking people, and pay attention to the actual person in pain here.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Being scared for your safety isn't always easy to back up with hardcore evidence. Sometimes it's a gut feeling or, like in this situation, a situation/actions/words that trigger bad memories and cause an old fear to resurface. I get wanting to defend your friend, but constantly invalidating her fear just because you don't have hardcore evidence is a shitty move. You don't know the full story on her part, either.

@HighPockets group

but what if im overreacting?
what if its nothing?
what if im wrong..?

You are not wrong. He made you uncomfortable, and he's done that to others on here. You're not overreacting, Ruby.

but what if i am, considering i have trauma what this sort of thing in my past, (and present but oh well.)

You aren't wrong. Your reaction is valid, and he should know not to send you messages that will trigger you.

Deleted user

god i could use a cigarette, and a vodka, and sleep, i'm going to think about this for a second…

Deleted user

but what if im overreacting?
what if its nothing?
what if im wrong..?

Then Shuri will understand. We’ve all been through crap. If you’re scared I doubt anyone will hold it against you.

She doesn’t want to talk to Shuri, Dom, you have to understand that. She doesn’t feel safe. And you, and your opinions, you clearly don’t understand that.

Alright I’m done attacking but Dom you need to just shut the hell up.

Deleted user

god i could use a cigarette, and a vodka, and sleep, i'm going to think about this for a second…

Good idea.

@HighPockets group

Being scared for your safety isn't always easy to back up with hardcore evidence. Sometimes it's a gut feeling or, like in this situation, a situation/actions/words that trigger bad memories and cause an old fear to resurface. I get wanting to defend your friend, but constantly invalidating her fear just because you don't have hardcore evidence is a shitty move. You don't know the full story on her part, either.

Fear and anxiety tend to be irrational, and in my own experiences, immensely difficult to put into words.

Deleted user

Dom, I think you're a good dude.

But as a minor who's been put through something similar, please stop.

Deleted user

Truth is we don't have any proof (yet. if proof will be supplied. great) and lynching someone isn't healthy for ANYONE. Ruby doesn't feel safe and constantly bickering about her abuse isn't going to make her feel any better. Until we have definitive answers, ya'll need to shut the fuck up for real.