forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

hehehe crocs let me I live in Maryland

I bet i’m only like, three hours away


I’ve decided that whenever I’m really angry with no one to be angry at I’m going to post an insult here with no context directed towards the Rudeness chat itself


Dear chat:
I hope you come home one night after a long, hard day and discover that the ice cream you were saving is melted, your freezer no longer works, and you step in the puddle of sadness and melted remains while wearing socks

@Moxie group

Dear chat:
I hope you come home one night after a long, hard day and discover that the ice cream you were saving is melted, your freezer no longer works, and you step in the puddle of sadness and melted remains while wearing socks

Are you okay buddy?

Deleted user

Emi u wanna go kick both Ciera’s and circe’s Stalker’s ass?



But I have no money just a lot of junk food so I hope you’re ready to go kick and beat someone up with me on my cheat week

Deleted user

Dear chat:
I hope you come home one night after a long, hard day and discover that the ice cream you were saving is melted, your freezer no longer works, and you step in the puddle of sadness and melted remains while wearing socks

Iwould only wish this upon my worst enemy

@HighPockets group

Dear chat:
I hope you come home one night after a long, hard day and discover that the ice cream you were saving is melted, your freezer no longer works, and you step in the puddle of sadness and melted remains while wearing socks

Iwould only wish this upon my worst enemy

Add some legos in there and you're golden