forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Dammit. D: I should at least say like thank you or something. Its an endearing compliment.

Deleted user

Guess who dislocated their shoulder. Again.
I'll give you three guesses because these pain meds make me SO happy.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

So Ima be rude now.
People misunderstand equality all the frikin time and it bugs me.
I can’t think of why this is brought to my mind so sorry I don’t really have a good example.
Okay. Equality is not about settling the score. It is about making things so acceptable that no one cares. It’s not about showing it off. And this is why Pride bugs me.
Because they’re going about it the wrong way! Parades and all that do nothing but cause separation! It shows that we are different. That is not a good thing! The more people think of differences the more the “them vs us” mentality can flourish.
(Putting aside my own feelings for this.) If you’re gay, nobody should care. You shouldn’t be getting special treatment, negative or positive. You’re supposed to be just another one of us.
Now I’m not directing this at anyone here. You dudes for the most part are pretty cool. But this mindset is all wrong. Discrimination won’t stop until people stop seeing differences. And making those differences pushed to the front is the opposite of helping the cause.


Dom, my sexuality is something I care very much about. It’s an important part of me. I want to feel happy about it, I want to be able to show it if I want to. Couldn’t someone say the same things you are, but about religion? About churches and mass and prayers and salat and anything to do with religion that doesn’t involve somebody not of that religion?

@ElderGod-kirky group

Though I'm not part of the lgbt+ community (that I know of??? don't ask) I honestly support y'all while simultaneously don't give two shits. You do you. It doesn't harm me in any way, and who am I to tell you who you can and can't like or be? The people that make a big deal out of it all—like the gay extremists, as I call them, or the haters that make hating the gays and whatnot their main priority—should just let it go and let them be normal people, not this foreign creature that needs to be put under a spotlight.

BUT there are people who are proud of who they are, and that's fine as well. As I said, just let them be. Don't make a big deal out of how people feel about themselves.