forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My friend had a dream that I fell off a bridge and died and she kept walking and I came up behind her and was like "That was fun I haven't died in a while I feel a lot better"

That makes sense to me in a weird way.

Deleted user

Apparently it's going around for people to have dreams about Notebook. XD
Hilarious ones at that.
I demand that they all be reported here, because I love them.

@Pickles group

My other friend had a dream about a man trying to create the perfect baby so this guy got a bunch of people pregnant and then they cut the baby out and if it wasn't perfect it would burst into flames and float up to the sky. And since she's a writer, it was very complex with a bunch of subplots that I don't remember lol


I can confirm that, and the weirdest thing is dream me in all her dreams is weirdly spot on, especially when it comes to little personality things she has legit no way of knowing.

Deleted user

Can confirm I’ve choked two people with a necktie

Eris are you proud yet

Deleted user

i might have told them they're both ugly but they are so…uh