forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Dom, my sexuality is something I care very much about. It’s an important part of me. I want to feel happy about it, I want to be able to show it if I want to. Couldn’t someone say the same things you are, but about religion? About churches and mass and prayers and salat and anything to do with religion that doesn’t involve somebody not of that religion?

I was going to sort of agree with you at first thought. But why should your sexuality matter as much as a religion? People who seriously follow a religion change their entire life because of it. A lot of the time one of the focal points is being in a relationship with a divine entity too great to imagine. I don’t think orientation matters nearly as much as that. Should you be able to express your sexuality wildly and in the public square? Yes. It a free country. But I’m saying it’s bad for the cause of true equality. People being religious openly such as proselytizing is far more important than a pride parade because they think they hold the keys of eternal salvation more often than not. Who you want to bang with… doesn’t carry nearly that weight. I’m not saying that it should be banned. You should be happy with your sexuality whether or not people celebrate you because of it. (Well I don’t think so, but we’re being somewhat impartial here.) I’m straight. I’m happy with it. No one really “supports me” for being straight. (I know the thing about straights not being persecuted but we’re mostly beyond that now.) If it is truly just a part of you then why should we celebrate? Why not celebrate those with blue eyes? Because that’s dumb. The point isn’t for the lgbt peeps to be raised up higher. Just for them to be level with others.


Hitler celebrated people with blue eyes and people are still calling him an icon

Anyway, religion changes your whole life, right? Well so does your sexuality. It changes a lot of things, and even your entire worldview. You won’t understand, I get that, because your straight as the lines on a freeway, but it really does. It makes everything just a little bit different.

And why not let us celebrate our freedom? America does every Fourth of July. We fought just the same for the right to love who we want, so what’s so different about that?

@ElderGod-kirky group

Crocs does have a point there, with the last few statements. They've had a tougher time with earning their rights and acceptance than we, as straights, have. Hell, some countries consider being gay a crime, if I recall correctly.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hitler celebrated people with blue eyes and people are still calling him an icon

Anyway, religion changes your whole life, right? Well so does your sexuality. It changes a lot of things, and even your entire worldview. You won’t understand, I get that, because your straight as the lines on a freeway, but it really does. It makes everything just a little bit different.

And why not let us celebrate our freedom? America does every Fourth of July. We fought just the same for the right to love who we want, so what’s so different about that?


Can’t really respond to that. Can you explain more?

Well of course it’s not a question of letting because free speech. But the reasons I mentioned earlier. It brings division. I would think you would want a time where the separation was a distant memory, instead of being tasted every day.


Y'all want me to explain how discovering/changing or whatever your sexuality is a change? Sorry if it's repetitive, but like. Math fried my brain and I need an insane amount of clarification


Obviously, no matter how well I do it, it'll never quite hit you the same. Believe me, I've had the same discussion with my stepdad on differing world views. But I'll give it a shot I guess, since I'm procrastinating history homework

Straight people see privilege everywhere they go. I don't really mean that in a big way, like a black woman's dollar to a man's type-deal, as that's a whole different talk on world views. But straight people see things differently. They don't have to worry about being denied a fucking wedding cake, or marriage, or basic human rights. Obviously, there's all the other specifications, like race and things that could be considered, but I'm talking basic straight/not. This isn't really quite what you meant, I think, though? But it's kind of part of my point. The world is different for people openly Not Straight. The world treats us differently, so why can't we have our fun and celebrate who we are.

The simplest way I can prove it? You see women as attractive and as potential partners. We see our own genders, everything, nothing, bits and pieces of both, as potentials and attractive. It really is that simple. Wee see more, or different genders, or none at all, as attractive, as opposed to you seeing women attractive.

If any of this unclear or whatever, let me know, I'll do my best to explain what I mean better with a bit of specificity from anyone curious or confused

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Hmm. You have a point. Just like I do have straight privilege. (And White, even though I’m not. Though police officers still set me on edge.)
What do you mean, basic human rights? Because it sounded like you considered a wedding cake a basic right.

On the one hand, sure, women are hot. But a lot of them aren’t. Most are actually just people to me. I have far more friends that are female. And I’m not looking for a relationship with them of the romantic sort. Idk if that negates your statement or not.


Nah, I wasn't implying cake was a basic human right(wait, maybe I am, but not in this context), just adding it as a reference to events that had taken place, just like the rest of the list. When I say basic human rights, I mean things like maybe adoption(not sure if I consider that a basic right but a right nonetheless), not being treated as less, not being persecuted(like we have been at times), things like that

And no, I get that. I'm panromantic, and I don't see every single person as a potential date or whatever. Though I'm glad to know you consider them people. I meant just a general 'if you're looking for someone to date or even just considering it, you're looking at women'

@Moxie group

Here's my view (sorry to take away from the Frankenstein thing)
Pride is just a celebration. Its a celebration of unapologetically being who we are. If a straight person has a problem with pride they're probably not that supportive in the first place. It's not like straight people are banned from pride, its just not for them. It's simply a celebration.
How about this. A birthday is a celebration. We celebrate that. We don't celebrate birthdays all together. You're saying that celebrating pride causes separation. The same mentality could be applied to something like birthdays. How come they get to celebrate being born, and I don't? What if that makes me feel separated? Should birthday celebrations not exist then?
I think when people who used to be discriminated against are no longer discriminated against as much (because people are still discriminated against, we're not "mostly beyond that now". We're more beyond it than we were, but homophobia and transphobia still prevalent and there) should get to celebrate being free to be who they are. Do you not thank God for being free from religious persecution in America as a Christain? Do you not celebrate that? My church does. We don't have a big parade for it, but we still celebrate it.

Deleted user

How interesting. I sympathize with both sides on this. As much as I love Pride and support it's message, there is a sense that although the LGBTQ+ community wants to be equal they also want to be different. I suppose its and oxymoron…. which is kinda like being gay. ¯\(ツ)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Eris said it pretty well. And the problem is that some people are getting special treatment. I know for sure of one case where a trans woman (maybe offensive here but this was a person who looked like had the muscles to pull it off) made a death threat against a guy who said “sir”. The dude tried to sue (it should have been easy because they both had mics and cameras pointed at them) but the dude was told the trans woman was a protected class and he wasn’t allowed to sue.