forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

However Sly, my freaking husband is 6’1 and I just find that absurd

Deleted user

Oh jeez 5’2

No offense man but


I mean that’s only a couple inches under average but oof


I'm about 5'6 which is just above the average height for a grown woman. Yet everyone besides my friends call me tall. All my close friends are taller than me. 😩

@HighPockets group

Ella, as much as we've bickered, you've definitely grown on me. It's been a little weird to see you mature in your time on this site but also oddly impressive. I'm proud of you.


Ella, as much as we've bickered, you've definitely grown on me. It's been a little weird to see you mature in your time on this site but also oddly impressive. I'm proud of you.

Aaaa thank you!

screams because I don’t know how else to take compliments

@HighPockets group

Ella, as much as we've bickered, you've definitely grown on me. It's been a little weird to see you mature in your time on this site but also oddly impressive. I'm proud of you.

Aaaa thank you!

screams because I don’t know how else to take compliments

Oh mood

@Moxie group

Eris makes up for her height with a whole lot of bravado and sass
And be warned if I ever meet any of you I’m a physical touch person unless you’re not cool with that then I’ll back off

@ElderGod-kirky group

I hate physical touch, unless you're a certain person for some reason. There are a select few people that I hug and whatnot, but some person i barely knew witnesses the "pure fear" on my face when this one lady grabbed my shoulder without me even knowing she was behind me.

I don't know why I'm that, but yeah. Don't touch me, ig

@Moxie group

I absolutely love hugs but literally anything else is too much contact for me
I don’t know why

Ella I’ll hug you if you’re down

@ElderGod-kirky group

Okay then never fear Circe
On the off chance we meet I promise not to hug or touch you

Shanku for your kind consideration

I've actually got another thing to bitch about but its late and I feel like I've already bitched a ton


I hate physical touch, unless you're a certain person for some reason. There are a select few people that I hug and whatnot, but some person i barely knew witnesses the "pure fear" on my face when this one lady grabbed my shoulder without me even knowing she was behind me.

I don't know why I'm that, but yeah. Don't touch me, ig

Dude same, I hate hugs unless I initiate then or they are by my youngest siblings

@Mojack group

I’m 5’9, maybe close to 5’10? I feel though that 5’11 is THE height. Like if you’re too tall then back problems might happen and even then I get them now (probably bad posture though.)

My friends like to run up behind me and ‘tackle’ me. They’ve learnt I don’t like that, though. I think the most I’ve let someone do is lay on my shoulder but that was during winter and they did it because I was wearing this fuzzy jacket. I don’t mind hugs either, but I’m not a person who likes frequent physical contact.

Deleted user

The whole “Eris not being 6 feet tall” thing still feels weird to think about



Deleted user



Deleted user

Eris and about a foot around said Eris is a no touchy zone. Unless you're Jay, then I cling to you like a barnacle.

(Actual footage of me and jay)


i'm 4' 10" i'm so smol lol

also i've been really dead for the past few months and even before that I was only so active so I doubt anybody has any strong opinions on me, however i do know that most people on this site have grown on me and honestly i care about most of y'all more than i probably should since i've never technically met you (unfortunately)