forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

I'm just kinda meh about everyone until SUDDENLY I care.

It's quite strange.

Although, I'm okay if ya'll think I'm bitchy and rude.

Deleted user

Honestly I know stuff has been and I don’t care anymore

This all kind of reminds me of high school

Maybe middle school at times


Deleted user

You say positive as if this isn't the chat of rudeness

We me can be positive!!!!! Jeesh. I tell everyone to follow their dreams and all that shit.

@ElderGod-kirky group


if any of my irl. . . friends??? (i use that term loosely) were on here, they'd have something to say about me

I pissed one off because i was tired of her shit and she caught me on a bad day, so now I get daily death glares

Deleted user

I’m pretty sure if people actually, truly had a problem with any of you, they’d have said it by now.

That goes for all of you

Deleted user

heeeheheeee Eris is epic as hell

I love Eris so much honestly I’m so glad I befriended her

evilly giggles from behind Eris

Deleted user

you are pretty scary, ngl

Why thank you. Imma take this as a compliment because I like it. :)

Deleted user

Although in all seriousness if I do freak y'all out let me know and I will try to tone it down. No promises though. I was born with the rage of a thousand burned witches.


There was a period of time where I legit hated every single one of you but I didn't say anything because I didn't want the only 2 people that still even remotely cared about me to disappear

…I've gotten over that now and consider all of you friends
Even the ones who still hate me
I love you all a lot
But it didn't use to be that way

Deleted user

Aw Ella

You know you’re not as horrible as I thought you were and I promise that’s a compliment. Like, you’ve really matured and I respect that.

Me on the other hand like I’m a sophomore and still a nine year old so whatever right

Deleted user

Ella– I must say that I very suddenly (almost violently) started caring about you a few months back and it scared the little bit of jesus left in me straight out of my body. So…..yea. We cool.

Deleted user

Hey Circe if you wanna make that number two grow you got a friend right here grins