forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Aww Circe hey man I’m here if you ever want a friend. Also you’re like, an excellent RPer and I’ve been admiring you from afar (that’s so creepy I’m sorry). But like if you wanted to make an RP or something that’d be a neat start.

@ElderGod-kirky group

compliments are for the chat of appreciation

Lmao, you're good Emi! I'd love to do a rp with you, but I can barely keep up with the rps I'm in rn thanks to life. I appreciate the compliment tho!

Deleted user

I– may possibly– be accepting…… friend……………………..s.

Deleted user


I–will hug– you all.

Deleted user

I will save that hug for when we meet and I can squish you

Heheheeee you’ll be so smalllll

Deleted user

I will save that hug for when we meet and I can squish you

Heheheeee you’ll be so smalllll

is stress
I will pat you on the head….twice.

Deleted user

You’d have to stretch lmaoooo

I’m 5’6 rn

And my mom’s 5’11 and so is my dad so I might be taller by the time we meet

Not to mention slightly bigger because I’ll be working out and muscular for a job so

Yeah I’ll be bigger

Deleted user

I won’t share Eris’ height but she is obviously quite short

Which is ok I still love her lol