forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers


I'm about 5'6 which is just above the average height for a grown woman. Yet everyone besides my friends call me tall. All my close friends are taller than me. 😩

that moment when some of your friends are literally almost a foot taller than you-

Deleted user

I really want to go work out at the gym

But noooo I have band and have to wait until tomorrow night which isn’t cool


Could you talk about the screenshots please?

Yes, I can. I will testify that Shuri sent me the screenshots (amongst other photos, such as the cat pictures from his work), and I posted them for him. See, if you want to post a photo on notebook, you have to paste an image link/address in the text box, and Shuri was unable to do that on his phone. So he asked if I could post them for him, and I said yes, so he sent me the pictures and I uploaded them to and sent the direct image links back to him. I can provide evidence if someone so wishes.

On a side note, I can't recall exactly what page this was on, but someone mentioned him making me post them, which is not an accurate phrasing. He asked, and I did, because I at least like to think I'm a decent person, and I want to help when I can.


yes, I know, I just saw. my apologies for not immediately reading the whole thing. I was asked to say something, so I did.
now if you'll excuse me. going to unfollow this again

@Pickles group

I really want to go work out at the gym

But noooo I have band and have to wait until tomorrow night which isn’t cool

band is like a workout though…
We're meeting our shitty drill writer today and boy do I have words for him

Deleted user

it's the rudeness chat why does she need to chill

remember the rule of not bringing stuff up from pages ago?

Deleted user

I really want to go work out at the gym

But noooo I have band and have to wait until tomorrow night which isn’t cool

band is like a workout though…
We're meeting our shitty drill writer today and boy do I have words for him

Honestly it is but I don’t wanna wait

Ooooooooooo snap

@Mojack group

There’s a bunch of damn liquefied candy corns in one of the toilets in the girl’s bathroom

I know they were candy corns because there’s some solid ones on the floor still

It’s not the worst thing I’ve seen in a bathroom, but why would someone waste their damn candy corns

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'm not ready for my first physics test.

It's AP, and I'm not the best at science (except chemistry for some reason?) so yeah. Not gonna be surprised if I fail. I honestly hate this class so much.

Deleted user

I don't blame you, I'm a science nerd and physics makes me nine different types of dizzy.

@ElderGod-kirky group

what pisses me off is that my guidance teacher wouldn't let me say no. I wanted a biology class for something easier, as I want to focus more on English (which i got bumped down to the lowest level because of a "complication" regarding me going to a career and technical center for half the day), and the ctc would take up most of my focus. I don't need the extra workload, and yet here we are.