forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

@ElderGod-kirky group

Point. While I'm all for equal rights, people nowadays seem to think that equal means being better than everyone else. I'm not saying that everyone does this, but there are certainly those that do abuse their 'equality' to the point where they think they are untouchable.

Again, I'm not saying everyone in the lgbt+ community is like this.

@TeamMezzo group

Of course not. But it’s always the loud minority that people remember.
”All [people] are equal, but some [people] are more equal than others.”

Isn't that a quote from Animal Farm? "All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others"?

@HighPockets group

Frankenstein is soooooo goooood

I know right?!
I have very intense Feelings and Emotions about Frankenstein and highkey can't talk about it with either squealing or screaming

Deleted user

I listened to some 9/11 tapes and heard one of the hijackers. It was insane, he sounded like he could be one of my half uncles.


@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Of course not. But it’s always the loud minority that people remember.
”All [people] are equal, but some [people] are more equal than others.”

Isn't that a quote from Animal Farm? "All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others"?


@Mojack group

I really like planes, but I might have some trouble going through security in the future when I get my tooth implants done. (Then again I’ve heard they don’t bother with it if it sets off the thing because of the size and location of the object.)

Although so far I’ve only flown twice and never had much trouble going through the airport.


okay this is completely off topic but I had yet another dream involving you guys

This time Emi and Crocs had tied in the world’s most awkward dance-off and to settle it they had a digital art battle…
I don’t remember who drew what but one of you drew Jesus with sunglasses and a rainbow beard making finger guns at the camera while the other drew their OC majestically riding a narwhal into space in their rabbit costume
You then uploaded the speedpaints of both drawings to YouTube in the same video and the music playing was legit a Nightcore mix of baby shark

I didn’t see who won because I somehow managed to trip on a light switch and die in the end but it was very entertaining

that is all

Deleted user

Probably the latter honestly

but I don’t do speedpaints/tech stuff so I call bullshit