forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

I could make my own

Hb we make Crocs do it and the prophecy is real

Deleted user

I sort of just wanna plop stuff on a paper so they both look the same in quality lmaoo

I don’t wanna show Crocs up either ;u;

I feel like I’d just end up feeling bad, Ella, why did you have to trip over a light switch and die?

Deleted user


Also I just suck at drawing stuff like that tho so I actually might make it bad on accident lmao

Deleted user

Well idk if I want to now

I’d rather read more dreams than have Ella die death by lightswitch

@Pickles group

My friend had a dream that I fell off a bridge and died and she kept walking and I came up behind her and was like "That was fun I haven't died in a while I feel a lot better"