forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

So babe, you can choose to believe him and move on, talk to him in PMs, or decide you don't believe him and keep looking into it.
You have my support no matter what you choose.

Deleted user

(Claiming as in "I have claimed this" I'm not saying this in a sarcastic way, I apologise if that is how its seems. I dubbed myself the neutral bystander so my words may seem offensive, I apologize for that)

{No problem babe, I'm sorry for how aggressive that sounded, if you had meant it in a negative way I'd be very upset lol, but I'm glad you mean it this way. Thanks for responding so chill :)}

@ElderGod-kirky group

As am I, Shuri

I'll let it pass for this once, because from what I can gather, it's just an honest misunderstanding. I'm not in the mood to keep fighting over this, even if y'all want to.

Moral of the story: Don't steal my shit and I won't have to bitch :)

@Becfromthedead group

I'm sorry, but please don't drag me into this. I've been stalking this chat on and off for a while, so I did see the stuff leading up to this and honestly I think you guys are making a really big deal out of this… There were some details that I read in Shuri's universe that were similar, but not identical to what I know about Circe's universe so far, so it's entirely possible that it's coincidental. As for identical names (which I did not directly see), it's also very remotely possible if you used Latin root words or something as inspiration. Vanguard is common enough that I've seen it used to describe groups in media before.
I also do vaguely remember this RP. It never took off, but I do remember it existing. This would have to have been months ago, as I have been mostly avoiding general chat where I believe the RP idea was first started (because I hate conflict! This right here is why I left, and why a lot of others have).
I've said everything I know, but I'm not actually going to take sides because you should be able to resolve things without all of this… Also you guys need to check your biases because I know a lot of people hate Shuri for some reason (I know the reason, but I just really don't care about on-site drama anymore. I'm over it. I'm just here in hopes it can stop for now at least.)
That said, plagiarism is a serious issue, so on both accounts, if it actually is plagiarized, that's terrible and shouldn't be stood for. But also it's definitely at risk of happening on a pretty anonymous site where you make your work public, so you do have to be careful to some extent.
So yeah, that's all I have to say on the matter. Hopefully you guys can work this all out.

@ElderGod-kirky group

It's okay, Shuri. I technically started it by bringing it up to Crocs, and then it just got all blown out of proportion.

I'm aware plagiarism is a serious issue, but it doesn't seem to be the case here. I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt and move on, because honestly, Shuri's been put through enough shit and doesn't need another drama-shit-show.


I like the way it was resolved, and I gotta say, after all of this, I do honestly think it's hella likely that you guys managed to have such a similar thought process. Which, if you think about it, is kinda funny

@faltering-through pets

glad that @BecInMYday said something about it, I don't mean to sound rude (the irony) but I really am tired of all this too, I've seen so many shit go down that I just avoid it now, so thanks for that my dude, looks like we think similarly finger guns

Deleted user

Judge Eris returns from dinner with a martini

The court is adjourned. (bangs gavel)


Yay! The arguing has stopped!

Now that it’s over I’d just like to apologize if I seemed really grumpy, I didn’t sleep well last night and seeing notifications for the Rudeness chat always makes me grumpy, soo… yeah. I’ve listened to some really good music and am now in a much better mood~

Deleted user

Im honestly kinda happy that no one freaked out over all this. It was an honest misunderstanding, which happens. I was enjoying myself, but I'm happy that Circe is able to have some closure, which is what most (at lease myself) was aiming towards with this.

In the end Circe was able to confidently talk about her issue with Shuri in a safe and positive manner.


I'm really curious to see if anyone has any hate or tea to spill on me. People irl tend to say I'm too nice. What they don't know I'd that I'm secretly sacrificing them to the volcano God and he uses them to help me hide the hate for the next victim.

Deleted user

Nah you’re alright Illy. I haven’t heard anything negative ‘bout chu. ^-^