forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

I just checked this and I can’t?

That's just strange. Are you on a phone or tablet?

I’m on an iPad so I guess it doesn’t matter.

Deleted user


Shuri says @BecInMYday wanted to join the RP when he mentioned it in the Miracle Family chat. She would be a great person to ask some questions.


(Plagiarism is a serious topic, especially when it involves something like world-building where you can spend hours creating a world only for someone to copy it in a few minutes.)

@ElderGod-kirky group

I'm sorry to bring this all upon you. I just saw something incredibly similar and was worried it was copied. I'm super protective of my stuff, especially things I've spent hours upon hours planning and mapping out.

Deleted user

{she's a witness, babe}

I don’t think she’d want to be bothered with this. I think we can believe the other people who said they saw Shuri say that. Don’t act like I’m some sort of fool.

Deleted user

Shadows, we want to help, and quite frankly we're enjoying ourselves. It's not a problem.

Deleted user

I'm sorry to bring this all upon you. I just saw something incredibly similar and was worried it was copied. I'm super protective of my stuff, especially things I've spent hours upon hours planning and mapping out.

Don’t apologize. We’re ready to help and defend you and your world. It’s that hard work that we’re here on your case.

Deleted user

(Shuri is claiminga panic attack, this may be a little while)

Hey babe, I love you, but there are some negative connotations with "claiming," so how do you mean this to sound


Just answer me one question, with full and absolute honesty: Did you or did you not ever take inspiration from my creation, or ever see it to begin with?

No. All I wanted was to make a fantasy seriea that I could keep consistency with, and I couldn't even do that
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) prolly can access my thing better than I can. I can't even follow Stark's screenshot directions clearly.