forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@HighPockets group

Shuri, will you provide us with an unedited screenshot of your universe so this jury can compare the two?

I'm pretty useless with technology, if some of you can't remember I literally don't even know how to post a picture on this site. But I can try I suppose. If not, I literally need someone else to do that for me. Because as I said, I'm pretty useless


You’ve posted a picture before?

On Pictures, Guys? You posted a picture of yourself.

Objection noted, however the picture of Shuri was posted by Ace.
However, Shuri has posted other pictures on the chat, specifically of cats.

Deleted user

Could he offer any excerpts away from that story that show us his writing style?


Give the plot holes, please, and find what you had written before in your timeline.

For instance, in my story, Divine Gods aren't supposed to enter the mortal world, they're not supposed to be able to, that's why they bestow the powers upon the mortal people who are chosen, but I realized I really didn't have any way to back this up, so I edited it to say that there were cracks in the world, Each world had different size cracks of at the Divine Gods couldn't escape.

@HighPockets group

Could he offer any excerpts away from that story that show us his writing style?

If the defense grants it, I can post excerpts from a presumably different story of his.


Shuri, will you provide us with an unedited screenshot of your universe so this jury can compare the two?

I'm pretty useless with technology, if some of you can't remember I literally don't even know how to post a picture on this site. But I can try I suppose. If not, I literally need someone else to do that for me. Because as I said, I'm pretty useless


You’ve posted a picture before?

On Pictures, Guys? You posted a picture of yourself.

Objection noted, however the picture of Shuri was posted by Ace.
However, Shuri has posted other pictures on the chat, specifically of cats.

actually I emailed Ravens those pictures, if you go back far enough in the chat you'll even see that I credited her


Shuri, will you provide us with an unedited screenshot of your universe so this jury can compare the two?

I'm pretty useless with technology, if some of you can't remember I literally don't even know how to post a picture on this site. But I can try I suppose. If not, I literally need someone else to do that for me. Because as I said, I'm pretty useless


You’ve posted a picture before?

On Pictures, Guys? You posted a picture of yourself.

Considering it took him 30 pages to figure it out and how before then he always made Ravens upload photos for him instead, I don’t really doubt his “I’m pretty useless with technology” claim.

I do not mean this as an insult please don’t hate me

(Edit: I’m slow)

Deleted user

Objection overruled.
Reasoning: It's damn hard to upload a picture onto this site.


Thanks Dom. Actually I think I might have something for you guys! It's easier to find than the one in the Miracle family chat, I have a p.m. with a lot of users, after I finished the Universe I wanted them to check it out.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I have no facts, yet I appeal that we all remember what Shuri used to be here. I would never do so much as plagiarize. Doubtless it is the same for you. Oft we lift inspiration from others, and we, so late in our trade, have no new material to work with.

Deleted user

The Judge will allow a screenshot to be sent from the defense to a member of the prosecution for cross examination as it is still considered vital evidence.

Deleted user

The Judge recognized Dom's entrance into the court as a character witness to the defense, unless he specifies otherwise.

Deleted user

The Judge will allow a screenshot to be sent from the defense to a member of the prosecution for cross examination as it is still considered vital evidence.

Man, you are so enjoying this.


Deleted user

The prosecution acknowledges Dom's stance as defense, alongside Miriam and Ella.


Deleted user

Hey um… Dom can I get your e-mail in PM again? I may need your help to upload this.

I would say send it to prosecution. We wouldn't want anything tampered.