forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@ElderGod-kirky group

Oh, I'm weird and just randomly click on people's user to see what's up if I'm bored (interests and bio only). I don't usually look at universes or characters, but the name Vanguard made me curious because that's the name of my main group, and then the description got me really interested


Shuri’s following this chat, he has been since it was created, so if you need to talk with him you probably could here

He has no reason to hide anymore now that I’ve told everyone his secret

Shuri if you’re reading this I’m sorry

@ElderGod-kirky group

Now that it's out there he's perfectly welcome to come and defend himself here. I just want to get it all straightened out

now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going to sit in a corner and draw

Deleted user

hey I'm having a horrible day so I would love to get out my anger by helping you sort this out, and I'm sorry this happened.

Deleted user

Shuri’s following this chat, he has been since it was created, so if you need to talk with him you probably could here

He has no reason to hide anymore now that I’ve told everyone his secret


Deleted user

Court is in session.

Let's everyone be reminded that all are innocent until proven guilty. I'm sure this is a case of misunderstanding, but as we are all writers and fiercely protective of our crafts, we must stand against plagiarism.


This is the last place I expected him to be tbh

Well, when you think about it, he has been tagged like a million times in different rants about why different people hate him and all that, and when you hear a bunch of people talking shit about you, you usually don’t just walk away and ignore it.
So that’s probably why he’s here

Deleted user

But wouldn’t he defend himself like anyone who has been being talked shit about do?

I sure as hell know I would (and I fucking did by the way). I think he’s not here anymore but I’ll tag him anyway


Deleted user

(This is court, only court matters shall be discussed from now until it has been adjourned.)

(Shut the hell up we need the defendant. Love you uwu)


I haven’t read through the tea yet cause chores, but if needed I’m willing to dig through PMs to find all the pieces of writing and worldbuilding stuff he’s shared, he likes to talk about his work and what inspired it in one specific group PM that I just so happen to be a part of

Deleted user

he also has a "magic user inspired by" me if that means anything lol
I could ask about that


But wouldn’t he defend himself like anyone who has been being talked shit about do?

He apparently tries not to defend himself because he’d likely cause more drama/bring back old drama which would then drag out longer than it needs to, so instead he kind of reads it and forgets about it.

He does, however, defend others in PM all the time which is why I know he’s here

Deleted user

I stand neutral as the judge.
But it looks like we have lawyers/defendants for shuri
as well as prosecutors for Dances.

Deleted user

But wouldn’t he defend himself like anyone who has been being talked shit about do?

He apparently tries not to defend himself because he’d likely cause more drama/bring back old drama which would then drag out longer than it needs to, so instead he kind of reads it and forgets about it.

He does, however, defend others in PM all the time which is why I know he’s here

Deleted user

I’m definitely a prosecutor. I think Shuri should show his face and defend himself. It’s what a man would do. To those who are insulting him, anyway.

Deleted user

In my most Judge Judy voice

Emi let's keep it civil. This is a Court of Eris Law not a backyard brawl.

@HighPockets group

But wouldn’t he defend himself like anyone who has been being talked shit about do?

He apparently tries not to defend himself because he’d likely cause more drama/bring back old drama which would then drag out longer than it needs to, so instead he kind of reads it and forgets about it.

He does, however, defend others in PM all the time which is why I know he’s here

Tell him to face us himself and defend the claims head on.
E tu Jynnie or whatever because I've never called him out in public, but this crosses a line.
False face must hide what false heart doth know, and since he knows about this chat and therefore this claim, tell him to step to us or be cut down.

Deleted user

My ultimate fantasy is to be Judge Judy Im dying over here people.