forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

Rip Eris lmaooo

I feel like coming out wouldn’t be too hard for me :L

And I am still trying to figure it out tho so mehenemeh

Deleted user

You'll find your way.

I swear it's so much easier to do it when you don't live with your parents anymore.

Deleted user

I… haven’t completely figured out my sexuality.

Currently I call myself a bi-ace because I don’t have any sexual intentions with anyone. Even people I’ve dated in the past. I want to pin this on ‘I’m sixteen and stupid so maybe not’ but idk. I’m just waiting to come out until I myself understand more of my growing brain.

Like I said I don’t think it’d be too hard to come out as an ace, even if I were one, but I definitely do know that I AM BUTCH

hot damn I love it

Butch is awesome go do research on it

Idk if it’s a gender orientation or just something cool to call yourself but I like it

Deleted user

Hey that's actually great though. People spend way too much time on their sexuality these days and starting from a young age.
I say just go with the flow. Putting a label on it makes it stressful. I may be Bi, but I honestly hate saying that. It's not a personality trait so why does it matter who I want to sleep with/ be in a relationship with?

Deleted user

Thanks Eris uwu

I don’t have any plans to date anyone or anything so overall it doesn’t matter to me until I leave school. I’m keeping my future in mind and at my fingertips, rather than worrying about other people’s thoughts and opinions on me, no matter if they’re sexual or negative. So I’m just gonna stow things away and let them do them because honestly, sex doesn’t matter to me.


I have a rant!

So this is a rant in @Dances_with_Shadows-misses-archery 's honor, because she won't do it herself and I'm kinda pissed about the whole thing. So, obviously, this is a writing website. And obviously, people will have ideas that are similar or overlap in certain places.

But this dude's universe was. Almost exactly like Circe's. To the point where even her own mom was like 'hey that does look way too close'. I can see certain things overlapping. People love a group of chaotic teenagers, people loves prophecies, people love chosen ones and the children of gods and anti-heroes. They love throwing in asshole gods and different universes. These are all things people love. But it would be weird, right, to find every single one of the things you love and chose to write in someone else's writing. And that's exactly what happened to Circe. This person had the exact same key elements of her universe, literally down to specific names of things, which on their own could happen, could very well coincidentally overlap, but it was over four different key things. Exactly the same. Which idk sounds just a bit too sus to be coincidence? And this is coming from someone who desperately wants to believe people are good and wouldn't steal ideas.

And I don't know it all just pisses me off so much, that there's a chance and a likelihood that this person stole her ideas. So yeah, rant over, there y'all go

Deleted user

Ooooooo. Tea.

That's why I don't make any of my universes/characters public. Internet peeps are just too sus. I'd totally confront someone if I saw that their stuff was too much like mine.

@HighPockets group

What user is it?

Yeah, who? Because if it is plagarized, I'm sure andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) can dig into the dates of when stuff was made, etc.
@ them and see if they have the guts to fess up.