forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@Moxie group

Last summer our friends went to Greece and brought us back these really pretty gold handmade laurel wreathes so Greek goddess is my backup.

Deleted user

But like Mox, I need ideas on what I'm to be this year.

Umm, Maleficent?

lol That's me in my natural state. Halloween is about dressing up as something you're not

Deleted user

Eris could go as Eris, Goddess of Discord but make it a pun and go as the goddess of the discord servers


Deleted user

I’m about to be super rude again and slightly edgy but hang on with me.

So today, my last mod was Chemistry. I love Chem! We do labs a whole lot, right? Well, we’re working on one that requires measuring and ruling of prisms and cylinders.

We started this lab yesterday. Because I worked the entire time yesterday and today, I got all of the prisms done. I started on cylinders when my lab partners (who weren’t helping at all) just talked. I didn’t really care; I was planning on telling my Chem teacher what was going on when I could so I could maybe get them some sort of punishment. But when I was working on cylinders they opened their eyes to me actually working on the lab and having all of the answers. One of my lab partners only had info for one of the prisms and there were twelve. However it doesn’t stop there. I tried telling them that I just wanted to get the paper done and handed in on Monday with the cylinder information on it, instead of letting them copy. Though I got soft and let them take pictures as I worked with the other shapes. So I was measuring and I noticed that a lot of the measurements for diameter was the same (this is important I promise) so I went ahead and filled them all in.

WELL they seemed to notice I had so much and I tried to explain to them that I only guessed because they were so similar. They took pictures anyway (I had three people bank on me today, btw, two of the three were my own damn lab partners), and left me feeling frustrated and angry. I feel like I’m not being listened to, telling them that if I had to erase or fix the diameters on the damn thing, they would have to fix it too, but they shook it off. And I don’t want to get in trouble for copying even though the entire damn thing was my fault. Also the bus ride back from school was super loud and super damn annoying (I could hear middle schoolers through my headphones screeching about stupid shit) which did nothing to help me calm down.

I’m just so angry and annoyed.

Deleted user

Emi - I'm sorry that your classmates suck. Definitely next time don't allow them to copy you. Even that makes you a bitch or whatever. If they don't want to do the work and maintain their grade it's not your responsibility. You take care of you.

Let those bitches fail.

Use their tears as lip gloss.

Deleted user

Thanks Eris. I haven’t really calmed down much but I’m gonna tell my chem teacher as soon as possible if I can.

Deleted user

As you should. That's plagiarism and they should be expelled.

Deleted user

"Those motherfucking bitches are bitches that need a slap for fucking up their school work like the bitches they are."

Deleted user

I don’t want her to give them a zero then be like “oh Emi totally snitched on y’all”