forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers


I am feeling very angry today

I never thought I’d ever say this in these words but I absolutely fucking hate all of humanity rn and you guys are no exceptions

Can we please just kill everyone and start from scratch

Send another 40 day flood or something

Ellaaaaa hiiiii


I would say what angered me but I don't want to start any arguments…

I listened to some music though and am now feeling 110% better :D
So aaannnyyywwhoooooooo, how are you lovely beans doing today? <3


(you can vent if you want of course.)
anyway todays been kinda hhhh
i saw three of my favorite people this morning which made my morning but that's like the only good thing to happen today
i still missed the bus and came to school twenty minutes late and just
idek anymore
i didn't sleep last night but like that's my fault

Deleted user

But I'm curious about what made you angry.
So tea needs to be spilled asap

Deleted user

I believe that rule applies only to the debate chat but I see your point.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I might not fucking go at all cus my parents won’t let me

(touchy subject Halloween is

Apparently sixteen is ‘too old’ to go trick or treating)

I’m 17 and I’m definitely going trick or treating
The trick is to act really innocent and sweet and say please and thank you a lot

My gosh Moxie this is totally me.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I dont knOwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
My sister and I always go all out for halloween and its a big deal in my neighborhood. And since its my last Halloween at home I wanna make it really good. But I cant find anything I like enough

Go as student loans.

That’s not cool and extra enough

But its SCARY

I don’t necessarily need to be scary I just need to be e x t r a

The heck this is totally me.