forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

As long as you cite me.

Eris "Goddess of Word Vomit" Woods, 2019

Deleted user

When life gives you lemons, eat a fucking cupcake.

wElL wHeN lIfE gIvEs yOu lEmOnS!

coMpLaIN ABoUt tHe lEmOns!

@Moxie group

Okay, I will
I'm not totally sure what kind of language I'll be able to use for my quote, but if I can swear, I 100% will use that and cite you

Deleted user

Alternatives include:

Eat a-

flooping cupcake
friggen cupcake
godsbedamned cupcake
motherfucking cupcake
bennyhoo creepypasta cupcake
cupcake for the almighty Dark Lord


Deleted user


If only I were cool enough to have my quirky saying and shit on tshirts

Deleted user

So the weather in California has cooled down some. It's really quite nice.

@Moxie group

So the weather in California has cooled down some. It's really quite nice.

Its starting to feel a little bit like fall and it makes me excited