forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Can I just say that I am loving all this positive outlook on sexuality that’s going on? I mean, you guys know how I feel about the stuff, but the way you guys are talking is so… chill. Like, this stuff divides people too much. Being really chill about it is the best opposition to that.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I mean, I could tell y'all who it is, but

sigh I dunno. I personally feel like they're too similar, but there's also the possibility of similar mindsets. A slim possibility, I'm aware, but a possibility nevertheless


If you really want to know ig I can dish

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I get what you mean. My original ideas for Althalos were so basic and sad. And apparently not at all distinguished from what other young writers were thinking of. Thank the lord that I’m better at everything now.
But if they are as similar as it looks, it just might be copying.

@ElderGod-kirky group

I could give you the general gist of my universe (there's a lot going into this thing, but mainly little details) and then tell you who it is, if that'll help with my predicament

Deleted user

A court?

I mean get a chat, summon the person, and talk it out in a public space so the masses can spectate in order to understand the case and if you truly have been wronged.

Naturally I would be the judge.
But we would also have a jury to deliberate and pull in the facts.

and an executioner to destroy the guilty party if need be.

Deleted user

Since there is no actual law to defend, I doubt we truly need a judge. Just a jury of peers.

Let me have my fun, Dominic!

Deleted user

Does anyone know who Divine_Emperor is? This person messaged me out of the blue asking if I was from pakistan, which I am but it was still weird

I've seen them around the RPs. But don't know them personally

Deleted user

Yo you should definitely dish it’s not cool with someone taking your stuff that you worked hard on

Also court 100%