forum Don't Be Suspicious
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@ElderGod-kirky group

God Hierarchy:
Starting from most powerful to least, this is how gods are categorized—by power level.

  • Creator and Oracle are the ones who created Oraqa, my universe (it's a legit universe). They and their children are known as Royals and are the most powerful kind of deity.
  • Immortals are the highest-ranking gods besides the Royals. They rule over the realms. Each realm, except one, has four Immortals in charge of them.
  • Minor Immortals are just that: minor gods just a tad less important/known than the Immortals. There are hundreds/thousands of them. Immortal Demigods, the children of Immortals, are also thrown into this category, as they share the same power level.
  • Great Gods are high ranking gods of individual realms/worlds. Think like Zeus or Ra. They are considered the high ranking gods to mortals (anything above a great god is unknown to mortals for the most part)
  • Gods are just normal gods. Universal but not super important.
  • Minor Gods are lesser-known gods, such as Dolos and Apate.

Oraqa is split up into ten realms: one in the middle with nine surrounding it. Each realm is divided into three different "layers:" Overworld is where the ruling Immortals dwell, though only two are based here. Middleworld is where all of the worlds of the realm reside—where all of the mortals are, if you will. One Immortal is based here. The bottom "layer" is the Underworld, which should be self-explanatory; one Immortal is based here, along with whatever helpers they choose to have.

Overworld Immortals are more powerful than Middleworld Immortals, and Underworld Immortals are more powerful than Overworld Immortals.

The Realms Include:

  • Clojiynn–The oldest/center realm. This is where the Royals reside, and is where some Immortals come for a break or just for something to do if they don't have much work. Home of Minor Immortals and demigods. Only realm with only one "layer," and this "layer" doesn't fit into any of the existing categories.
  • Reavitaven–The fire realm
  • Corrunta–The frozen realm
  • Klusurion–The ocean realm
  • Khogar–The savage realm
  • Lexath–The realm of peace
  • Amidalar–The twilight realm
  • Kaegraven–The giants' realm
  • Sarreque–The titans' realm
  • Mesirah–The youngest realm. It houses most of the humanoid creatures and holds the worlds with more mild climates. Mesirah is the only realm that has humans in it, but they are typically outnumbered and outmatched by their magical rivals. (Earth would be put here)

The main group in my book series is called the Myriad Vanguard, led by one of the Royal children. At least one of each realm is represented in the group of 15.

And this is the universe Shuri made

Deleted user

Also it doesn’t seem like he himself wrote that. Did he take it from somewhere on your Uni?

@ElderGod-kirky group

That's what I don't know. What I presented on my behalf is the general gist of what I have for my uni. I momentarily had it up for someone, then took it down. I have nothing that is exactly what he has in his universe, but it's pretty damn close

Deleted user

Did you have it public two months ago at least? Because that’s when it said the Universe was last updated from him.

Deleted user

Oof maybe you should look into it

Or maybe we could ask andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) in PMs to get involved?

@ElderGod-kirky group


I seriously hate confrontation and just want this to get done and over with as soon as possible. I don't have time to be pissed about this

Deleted user

I think you should at least talk to Shuri about it. I think it would be wrong to get an authority involved without trying to sort it out yourself first

Deleted user

I completely understand why you'd be overprotective and that's okay! You've obviously put a lot of hard work into your universe and for it to just get ripped off is horrid.

Deleted user

How did you find out about this? I'm curious because it's the only thing he has public…