forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

okay, we have Jynnie, Emi, Dances with Shadows, I think Ella, Eris of course, and me.
Let's do this thing.

Deleted user

Alright so what's this all about?

Shuri, you have been gently accused of copying the work of another user. You have been summoned to this Court of Eris to work this shit out before it escalates further.

What say you about the supposed: "Vanguard Chronicles"?

@HighPockets group

Shuri, you are called before the notebook jury for allegations of having lifted several uncannily close details from Circe's universe, including a name and the order of the gods.
Do you want to argue these claims in front of a jury, or stay silent?
We charge you, in the name of andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), take heed.


Alright so what's this all about?

Shuri, you have been gently accused of copying the work of another user. You have been summoned to this Court of Eris to work this shit out before it escalates further.

What say you about the supposed: "Vanguard Chronicles"?

All right, so if you go really, really far back into the Miracle family chat, you'll see that I wanted to make a role-play, about Divine Gods, who bestow mortals mystical powers, specifically those a mythical creatures, so that they can fight infernal gods, or whatever? It was supposed to be a private thing but it never got started, so I just made a story about it. I named it Vanguard because, well, it sounds kind of cool you know.

Deleted user

Permission granted to the Defense.

I checked in the Miracle Family and he did indeed day he wanted to start an RP PM with that storyline.

Deleted user

Does the defense have a date of said postings? If they do, please provide it to the court.

Deleted user

(I have arrived to be a witness and another Switzerland unless seen otherwise.)

@HighPockets group

Roughly around the time I first got onto Notebook. It has been steadily updated as I add more detail, but that is when it was first created.

Could the excerpts found on Shuri's profile be from a less-polished older version of your universe?

@ElderGod-kirky group

No. All of the terms and names, as well as numbers and such, have always been the same, if a bit vague. My universe on here has not been altered much, so what I have presented is what has been on there for the most part.