forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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@Pickles group

Well so so. I disagree because I believe God disagrees with it. I have no ill will towards any lgbt person.

Yup. I wish more people shared this opinion

Deleted user

"They're cool, they're just going to hell for being cool."


Deleted user

I'm already going to hell, so honestly it don't matter.


I think the problem is that it is a change for a political reason instead of based on ability.

Why do you say that? The actress has a very unique voice, and I never heard anything about it being for political reasons (idk I might have missed something)

Deleted user

Y'all never head of the make out game 7 Minutes in Heaven apparently.

Deleted user

I would say same but I just went to confession today so I should be fine for maybe another two minutes I'm guessing

bruh. there is nothing you could have done in your short life that would send you to hell. honestly. unless you straight up murdered someone. 12000% certainty that you are fine.

@Pickles group

If you're mean on social media and you end up on one of those lists of mean/entitled people, you deserve to have your handle shown, not blurred out. Change my mind

Deleted user

Ella seriously you are totally 100000000000000000000000000000000% better than any of us in this chat in chances into getting into heaven. Unless South Park is right. heheh


Fuck the person in another chat shitting on MCR and TOP only to turn around and be like uwu I listen to Lincoln Park and Nightcore like it’s not both trash???? I came here because it’s supposed to be the rude chat and I just want to get it out.


  1. Lincoln Park is good, fuck you.
  2. Nightcore is absolute shit.

  3. Last, but not least, MCR and TOP aren't my favorite but they're decent so like. Fuck this person seems about right


…I witnessed that conversation and they weren't really that bad, they mostly just stated that they have a different taste in music, which is perfectly fine in my opinion.

Deleted user

MCR is gold. Peeps are just too young to understand.

weeps in millennial.

Deleted user

Well I'll believe that to an extent, but I'm definitely not even remotely near perfect

hey dude, no one is.