forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers


I've honestly never heard a MCR song but I don't care enough to listen
I've had the same favorite song for two months and that's all I really need

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think the problem is that it is a change for a political reason instead of based on ability.

Why do you say that? The actress has a very unique voice, and I never heard anything about it being for political reasons (idk I might have missed something)

It’s for RepREsEntAtiOn. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a white dude even though my skin tone blatantly suggests otherwise and I love it when people are culturally correct. (I’m a dude that scoffs at white blond Jesus.) But the whole token black/gay/etc. character thing drives me crazy. The only reason they changed her to be black was to be politically correct instead of actually putting in the work to create a good original character that was black.


I think the problem is that it is a change for a political reason instead of based on ability.

Why do you say that? The actress has a very unique voice, and I never heard anything about it being for political reasons (idk I might have missed something)

It’s for RepREsEntAtiOn. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a white dude even though my skin tone blatantly suggests otherwise and I love it when people are culturally correct. (I’m a dude that scoffs at white blond Jesus.) But the whole token black/gay/etc. character thing drives me crazy. The only reason they changed her to be black was to be politically correct instead of actually putting in the work to create a good original character that was black.

Well I mean it could be because of her voice and stuff, idk, I feel like the reason would be important


Sure the actress is probably extremely talented, but at least part of the reason she was chosen was for 'representation'.

Deleted user

Oh no I promise that is exactly why they did. Ariel could have been her canon white but voiced by an extremely talented poc, but they deliberately decided that they would make her black.

It's 100% for representation in the most non genuine way.


Oh no I promise that is exactly why they did. Ariel could have been her canon white but voiced by an extremely talented poc, but they deliberately decided that they would make her black.

It's 100% for representation in the most non genuine way.

If I understand you correctly, that would be two actresses instead of one that they would have to pay. And Halle (which is also my name too lol) probably wouldn’t have done that bc she would want her face to be shown (better for her career). Of course, it is true that companies do tend to change things for racism and feminism and what not, so it is very likely that that at least had something to do with it. I was just wondering if there was some sort of interview or article that was released that I didn’t know about

Deleted user

Y'all? So, I was watching a video on my laptop and I thought I heard a weird noise coming from my tablet and I held it up to my ear and there was, like, heavy breathing coming from it, and it freaked me out bc like wtf? So I powered it off and threw it across the room but now I'm still, like, wtf??????????????????????? Why?????

@Pickles group

The FBI agent watching you got bored and started lifting weights. They disapprove of you using your laptop instead of your tablet. Have you tried talking to them? (Please, this is a joke)

Deleted user

Lol that would be funny if I wasn't terrified
And I considered saying something for a second but then I was like "NO WHAT IF THEY RESPOND"

Deleted user

My windows are open, I'm not screaming that XD
And I'm not closing them, either
This way if someone murders me my screams will ring throughout the town square
{Suddenly I live in the middle ages, I guess}

@HighPockets group

Lol that would be funny if I wasn't terrified
And I considered saying something for a second but then I was like "NO WHAT IF THEY RESPOND"

ThE cAlLs ArE cOmInG fRoM iNsIdE tHe hOUse!!

Deleted user

Oh no I promise that is exactly why they did. Ariel could have been her canon white but voiced by an extremely talented poc, but they deliberately decided that they would make her black.

It's 100% for representation in the most non genuine way.

If I understand you correctly, that would be two actresses instead of one that they would have to pay. And Halle (which is also my name too lol) probably wouldn’t have done that bc she would want her face to be shown (better for her career). Of course, it is true that companies do tend to change things for racism and feminism and what not, so it is very likely that that at least had something to do with it. I was just wondering if there was some sort of interview or article that was released that I didn’t know about

oh whoops. I was talking from an animation standpoint. I forgot it was live action for a moment. My bad!
I apologize for the confusion :(

Deleted user

Y'all? So, I was watching a video on my laptop and I thought I heard a weird noise coming from my tablet and I held it up to my ear and there was, like, heavy breathing coming from it, and it freaked me out bc like wtf? So I powered it off and threw it across the room but now I'm still, like, wtf??????????????????????? Why?????

my tablet does that all the time. Its the cleaning thingie. Like a small fan. (at least in my Microsoft tablet.)

Deleted user

Y'all? So, I was watching a video on my laptop and I thought I heard a weird noise coming from my tablet and I held it up to my ear and there was, like, heavy breathing coming from it, and it freaked me out bc like wtf? So I powered it off and threw it across the room but now I'm still, like, wtf??????????????????????? Why?????

my tablet does that all the time. Its the cleaning thingie. Like a small fan. (at least in my Microsoft tablet.)

thank goodness

@HighPockets group

Idk if it makes a difference, but I think that they're moving the story for The Little Mermaid to the Caribbean?? I think I saw that somewhere.
In which case, sign me up because that seems pretty neat!

Deleted user