forum Don't Be Suspicious
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Deleted user

I mentally blocked my mom and step mom from getting pregnant because I'm a selfish lil bitch. XD

But now im old and dying so its cool.


my aunt gets really upset when i talk about how i like android better than apple? bcs all of the iphone users ive known have broken their phones super quick, but my android lasted forever. and i just. why is she getting so weird about it? like, she started to literally raise her voice?? and she cuts me off and shit and i just am getting real sick of it? i mentioned that all the iphones ive had experience with broke easy, and she starts going off about how ive just been taught to hate iphones and to like android and that her opinion is based off of experience that is apparently somehow better than mine or something i. jesus christ

and that leads to my next thing, which is, im so fucking happy to be going home tomorrow, after my birthday celebration thing. i love her and her kids, really, but im sick of having to get up at five or six in the morning because her kids are screaming, and it feels like i keep having to watch her kids because she's too busy texting her husband(i get that he's on a fishing boat up north, but like, why am i supposed to watch your kid? and she keeps like snapping at me to watch him, too? i literally almost snapped back 'why dont you watch your own kid' when she was pulling the whole thing). and Cam(younger cousin) is hella rough and violent, which isnt horrible, but he just never stops when you ask him to leave you alone, and he constantly presses up against my side on the couch which is cute and all, but it makes me feel trapped and weird and shit bcs im not too big a fan of contact like that. and then theres the fact that i have an infected wound and have consumed more soda in the past week than i have in the entire month of june and part of july and i just. i wanna go home and sleep in my own bed and get away from the passive aggressive comments that show themselves on occasion

So this is just copy pasted from a message I sent to a friend, because I'm lazy but I want to know if I'm just being dramatic or if it's valid to be this Done with everything.


It sounds like a bunch of annoying things adding up and overflowing, which is okie! Your emotions are always valid, you can't really control them… and happy late birthday fam!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

  1. Wow. I mean, I like Apple better, but I might not even argue with someone about it. (Remember my love of arguing.)
  2. Aw that sucks. I feel what you mean on all of that. On the other hand, I met and played with a lovely one year old by the name of Yara. She looked rather like baby Moana and was very sweet.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It sounds like a bunch of annoying things adding up and overflowing, which is okie! Your emotions are always valid, you can't really control them… and happy late birthday fam!

Yeah you can. Just takes hard work and practice.


Early birthday, actually, but thank you! It's tomorrow lmao.

I'm glad it makes sense to be pissed. Everything's kind of snowballing, and my lack of sleep and recent influx in caffeine sure doesn't help. Yara is such a pretty name tho


It sounds like a bunch of annoying things adding up and overflowing, which is okie! Your emotions are always valid, you can't really control them… and happy late birthday fam!

Yeah you can. Just takes hard work and practice.

You can control your emotions? You can control whether you act or display them, but can you control the mere feeling internally?

@Mojack group

I’ve only broke my iPhone once, but even then it made sense that I broke it because I broke two other things as well (my arm and my teeth) and my phone was in my front pocket at the time. It wouldn’t turn on after that even though it looked fine from the outside, it was falling apart on the inside. But I respect most phone opinions anyways. Including yours. (Don’t like debating about iPhone vs Android anyways.)

I also think it’s valid on what you’re feeling. I’ve had similar points in time and I couldn’t wait for it to end and just..sleep or something. So I see it as valid. Also happy (early) birthday

I’m feeling happy though because I recently downloaded Stardew Valley and I’m enjoying it. It’s a fun game.


XD Wait but you can deny one, and ignore it, choose not to act on it, but to control its existence?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yes. It’s not easy at first, I’ll readily admit. But doable? Yes.

And thus we see the emotionless prince trope

Ah but you misunderstand my good wizard Pickles. Lack of emotion has nothing to do with it. I am quite the emotional soul. I just try to always have the more negativity emotions under comptrol.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well this all springs from what I say. Everything we know we perceive. What we perceive is in our brains. Our brains are a part of us, like an arm. We can control an arm. We should be able to control our brain. (And we can.) Therefore we can control everything we perceive (with enough strength, concentration, and practice). Those include emotions.
My experiment results agree with all these. Therefore it is possible to control everything in our brains. Including who flew are and what we feel.


So, what of subconscious actions? Senses? According to your logic, we can control who we love?

Deleted user

I'm 99% sure you can't choose who you love… Love is not a choice, ever.

@Moxie group

Love is part choice part not . . . choice

There’s probably a better way to describe that but you get what I’m saying