forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

Doesn't care, has been dealing with curly hair for life


My hair is the opposite, it's so fricking straight and if I try to curl it even slightly it just decides "haha nOPE I'M AN UNCOOKED SPAGHETTI NOODLE AND YOU'RE JUST GONNA HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT"

…Meanwhile, my 4-year-old sister has naturally perfect waves and blonde streaks.


Y’all I have a 4c hair texture that is IMPOSSIBLE to get straight even for a second. So I just stopped trying honestly lol

@HighPockets group

My hair is usually pretty straight but it poofs up when it's humid. It does curl though and I'll curl it for special occasions.
Also I wear it in a ponytail 99% of the time so that may be part of it.

Deleted user

Hair is weird. That's why I get rid of 90% of mine.


speaks from behind curtains of hair
As an introvert, I find this physical shield a great way to avoid making eye contact with any humanoid. It also is fairly adequate in preventing others from starting conversations with me. That is, if they don't already get the hint from my earbuds. And the book I have open.

Deleted user

Laughs as someone who had hair to their butt then cut it to their shoulders and is now getting a pixie cut
I have waves. And when I wash it, CURLS.

Deleted user

Same lmao I wash it… perfect tornado curls and waves on a good day, I'm not kidding

i hate it


Yeah, for me it's when it rains. I love the freakin rain. I hate how frizzy my hair gets. It's like a blond mop on top of my head.


I'm the kind of person that when I like something I am incredibly passionate about it. And I really. love. rain.

Deleted user

apparently they're new and very passionate about rain.