forum Don't Be Suspicious
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 113 followers

Deleted user

You know I was thinking that I say four words way too much.

  1. Fuck
  2. Oof
  3. Gross
  4. Shit

Hilariously that is a sentence both ways. XD

Deleted user

I tend to say most of those words

  1. Fuck
  2. Oof
  3. Tasty (idek why lmao)
  4. What?

Deleted user

Yes I will also say that I demonically screech as well.

It is nice to meet you bows head to Ella

Deleted user

I would like to take a moment to appreciate, the love of my life, Sebastian Stan. Just because he is adorable.

and muscles

@HighPockets group

I would like to take a moment to appreciate, the love of my life, Sebastian Stan. Just because he is adorable.

and muscles

Haha I based the design for Oliver Warren (aka the so-called 'most eligible bachelor' in one of my stories) off of him


I don’t know who he is but he looks exactly like one of those Instagram “comedians” that clickbait the heck out of everything to make up for their lack of humor

Deleted user

I love how when people don't know anything about a subject or person their first instinct is to insult them. :)