forum Don't Be Suspicious
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people_alt 113 followers

@HighPockets group

The gingers still have Merida and Anna ;P
Also Nick Wilde if you wanna go in that direction
Honestly I'd rather see Disney make some of the original concepts for stories that changed KINGDOM OF THE RISING SUN than just remake the old movies.


My stance on this is if you’re going to re-make a character, stay true to their original race. Create new and interesting and good characters if you’re trying to be inclusive, but changing race is not the same as representation.

@Moxie group

I mean the actress really does emulate Ariel (am I using that word right? Idk she gives off strong Ariel vibes)
I watched a video of her singing and she had that childlike wonder that Ariel has
I mean I know it’s not totally what we’re talking about but it does raise the question is the race change not as big of a deal if the actress can do a better job than other white actresses or at least a really good job
And does it even matter? Is it hurting anyone? (This is a genuine question btw)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think the problem is that it is a change for a political reason instead of based on ability. And I would always prefer the character looking like the original unless it was a case of a character being black that should have been white or vice versa etc. So even if it isn’t hurting anyone, it is a sign that politics are taking over such things as children’s media.
(And the word was right.)

Deleted user

My problem is that I don't think that this is a genuine move from Disney. I think that it's a cop out so people of color will shut up about not getting representation in their movies.

They should have created a new original character, like Moana or Merida, there are hundreds of African stories/myths/legends that they could have gotten inspiration from like they did for Black Panther. Honestly, they just needed to put in genuine effort.

Deleted user

Don't be! Chat O' Rudeness remember? Trust. Disney needs to be taken down a few pegs.

Deleted user

I agree with Fae. I'm all for equality and representation in the media, but here's the truth: Ariel isn't black. And that has nothing to do with racism, that has to do with how the story was written. Disney can't do anything about the 'lack of equality' in their stories– Except for add in minorities where the characters weren't, which, tbh, just isn't the story.

@Pickles group

I feel like nowadays everyone's so afraid of being called racist or seeming racist that they feel the need to call everything racist as a way of saying "look at me, I'm not racist I'm calling other people out on being racist" when the other people…. weren't. I mean, obviously there are times when people are racist and other people call them out, but still

Deleted user

Like I said a few pages back. Everyone is so damn sensitive about shit.


Yeah… especially on the internet, you can’t express slightly offensive opinions anymore. Equality and liberals are taking over freedom of speech, it feels like that’s happening. You have to apologize for anything possibly being interpreted incorrectly, otherwise the internet will shut you down.

Deleted user

I'm an OG liberal. One that doesnt care about shit unless its actually fair and right.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think it would be the same if I expressed my feelings for the lgbt peeps to my parents. They’re awesome people, but they aren’t as willing to be understanding. It’s not like they hate gays or anything. Just… Idk, not as willing to get close with someone who’s bi or whatever.

Deleted user

weird… All this racism/lgbt hate is just weird

Deleted user

So true. What I really don’t understand though is when people who aren’t religious have any problem with the lgbt.

I don't get it when people have any problem with the lgbt, period.